Tips to Build Strength and Improve Your Workout

Tips to Build Strength and Improve Your Workout

Everyone wants to hit the gym, pump irons, stare at themselves in the mirror, eat a few healthy foods, and walk around shredded and looking like the ultimate symbol of health. Unfortunately, that is not always how it works when getting into a fitness routine and starting to get healthy.

However, what does work, is that we can all be the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be. In fact, focusing on the basics of the workout sometimes can yield the best long term results in terms of looking better and getting better at physical fitness.

With that said, I have compiled a list of items or tips that will help you improve your workout by building your strength. This in turn will help you feel better, perform better, and look better all at the same time because your body will be working to its fullest maximum potential.

1. Eat your greens time and time again

This one seems to sound strange because it doesn’t actually have anything to do with your weight training routine directly in itself. However, eating the right foods will help your body grow stronger, bigger, and more lean all at the same time if you play your card right. Eating your greens will help to increase the nitric oxide and arginine levels in your bloodstream, thus dilating your blood vessels and helping to transfer nutrients in your bloodstream to your muscle. Yes, it is true that you need your protein, but you need your green vegetables just as badly!

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2. Focus, focus, and focus some more on muscle tension

Many people like to listen to music in the gym during their weight training session. While I understand the motivation needed to crank out the higher weight or higher volume sets, sometimes focusing simply on the tear and contraction the muscle can yield the greatest gains in strength and size. Take a break from the headphones for a couple sessions and really just focus on making that mind to muscle connection. Your body will feel the muscle contract and then relax and tear all at the same time: you might just learn a thing or two about how to train your muscles properly.

3. Perform alternate grip movements

If you want to gain overall strength through auxiliary muscles while at the same time working on ways to steadily build grip strength,  try alternate grip movements when training certain muscle groups in the body. For example, instead of only doing skull crushers for tricep movements, put in a couple of french presses as well and make pulling movements with your wrists upward. You will not only ignite other parts of the triceps heads, but you will also improve your forearm and your grip strength at the same time. In addition, you can try both hammer curls and reverse grip dumbbell curls as well when training biceps. Again, this will target a different head of the muscle also improve your forearm and grip strength at the same time. Do it!

4. Vary your rep speed and your weight and volume

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Want to steadily gain strength in the gym? Then I would say my most important tip would be to switch up your speed of reps completed as well as your weight amounts and the volume of repetitions that you perform. By performing some sets slowly to ultimate failure, you will get the tear you need to break-down muscle before it can be built up. By performing a greater number of reps at a lower weight and a higher volume, you will perform the contraction needed to bring blood to the muscles and activate further fiber growth through repetition and movement.


That concludes my top tips that will build your strength while also improving your workouts. Hopefully you can gain something from the tips that I have shared.

If you have your own strength training tips to share and want the world to know how you gain strength in the gym and come out like an absolute beast, then leave your comment below and let’s discuss what you think the best ideas are for getting stronger, bigger, and leaner at the same time!

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