How to Prevent Your Kids from Getting Addicted to Games on their Phones

How to Prevent Your Kids from Getting Addicted to Games on their Phones

When gaming consoles became extremely popular, children rushed to go home after school to play games. These days, the games are easily accessible using their mobile devices. Therefore, even if they’re still at school or other places, they can’t stop using their phones.

You know that this attitude is detrimental for several reasons. Your child ends up forgetting academic requirements due to the lack of focus on studies. Worse, their health could be at risk. Your child sleeps late at night. Exposure to radiation is also possible. The good thing is that you can now use EMF protection to protect your child from radiation produced by phones. Despite that, you still need to find a way so that your child will reduce screen time.

Set rules 

You can’t allow your child to use the phone at any time. You need to set clear rules. If there’s homework to finish, you need to check it first to guarantee that it’s done before letting your child play. You have to be strict in implementing this rule to send a clear message that playing games shouldn’t be a priority.

You also need a rule regarding curfews. You have to tell your child that when the time is up, phone use is no longer possible. Stop giving extensions even for just a few minutes. It also shows that you’re flexible regarding your rules. Next time, you can’t expect your child to listen to you.

Place parental controls on the phone

It’s easy to access your child’s phone now with parental controls. In doing so, you can prevent your child from playing games beyond the scheduled time. You also stop them from watching unnecessary or even violent content on social media. You might have to pay for premium parental control apps, but it’s worth the price.

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Reward good academic results

You can also tell your child that there’s a reward for scoring high on a test or for reaching a specific grade. Your child understands that to reach that goal they need to spend less time playing video games. It’s not always good to use a reward system to instil positive behaviour, but it could work at times.

Be a role model 

You can’t expect your child to limit the time using their phone when you’re not doing the same thing. You have to be a good role model to guarantee that your child won’t disobey you. Even if you’re not into games, you could still spend several hours on your phone browsing social media content. You need to apply the same rules for your child to yourself. You will have more credibility as a parent when you do so. It’s not easy to ask your child to stop using their phone for video games, but you have to be consistent. Otherwise, you won’t be able to enforce rules for many other things.

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