Why Do You Need Invisalign Braces for That Perfect Smile?

Invisalign Braces pointing to white teeth

You can plan something fascinating for the cosmetic betterment of your smile by aligning your teeth properly. Forget conventional braces. Braces are still in use, but not all prefer the ugly site of the braces which are very loudly visible as the wearer opens mouth for talking, eating or smiling. There is an alternative available now with Invisalign braces.

What are Invisalign braces?

A polymer of plastic is used to make Invisalign braces, and they are invisible thus fetching this name. No one would know except you, that you are wearing braces, as because they are invisible, or practically the color of a teeth whitening tray. The biggest advantage being that you wear Invisalign braces at the back of the teeth, unlike conventional braces, also while fitting them metal wires and clips are not required to keep the brace on position. You ought to wear them for 20 to 22 hours in a span of 24 hours of the day.

You can open the braces on your own as required when you have to brush or floss the teeth every day, or when you want to enjoy some food or drink without them. For opening and fitting them usually and daily, you won’t need a dentist. However, you will have to see the dentist to get them fitted for the first time, which is a time taking process. The dentist will change the Invisalign braces after every two weeks.

Why do you need Invisalign braces?

Invisalign Braces woman in ortho chair

Misalignment of teeth is not something uncommon. You would rather see every third person with a misaligned set of teeth. And the biggest problem with misaligned teeth is that the brushes do not reach every nook and cranny of the teeth set while you brush them, and often the crooked tooth collects stains and scales, while the smile also is never a perfect one when you have crooked teeth. Hence, you need something to align them without causing a serious difference to your lifestyle. Hence you need Invisalign braces.

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Earlier conventional braces were the only option, but they used to be loudly visible, and everyone could see the metal lining on the teeth, while you felt very uncomfortable throughout the years of wearing the braces. But now you have the advantage of choosing Invisalign braces which are invisible braces. With guided wearing of them, the teeth get aligned gradually leaving you the perfect teeth line that can be maintained clean with daily brushing and flossing. You also get the smile you desired, and can proudly open your mouth anywhere in public.

The main benefits you enjoy with Invisalign braces are as follows:

  • No irritation in mouth due to brackets or wires as happens with standard braces
  • You cannot compromise with your looks and beauty.
  • You don’t get conscious of the fact that people are staring at you or realizing that you are with braces
  • You still get your crooked teeth aligned without discomfort

How does it align your teeth?

The dentist will fit the first set of braces at the back of the teeth making slight position changes to the teeth set. This fitting will stay for two weeks before the next set of Invisalign braces will be fitted for the next two weeks while changing the alignment a little more. This dentist will keep changing the position of   braces until he sees the perfect alignment, and then finally you will have to wear the braces till your dentist feels fit for you.

The thermoplastic design of the braces can generate controlled the amount of force to change the teeth position without hurting or causing discomfort. With the change in the brace set over weeks as monitored by your dentist, the force is uniformly divided among few teeth in every spell, and thus all the teeth are eventually and gradually aligned.

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