5 Amazing Health Benefits of Golf

Golf health benefits in sunset

If you’re looking for a sport to take up on weekends, that you can also do when you’re on vacation, then consider adding golf to your list of hobbies. Though it doesn’t demand a lot from you physically, you can still get a decent workout from it as well as some mental benefits. Still not convinced? Check out some of the amazing benefits you get from playing golf in our top five list of benefits below.

It lowers your levels of stress.

When you’re playing golf, you are outside walking and taking in the fresh air and sunshine. And even if you get frustrated by a bad shot you made, all that nature, sunshine, and fresh air reduces stress. Plus, since it is such a challenging sport, the brain releases endorphins when yo play, which cause overall feelings of happiness and a more relaxed state.

It has a low chance of injury.

While you can certainly injure yourself playing this sport, overall it is a relatively low impact activity. There is no rapid movement required and you don’t even have to carry your own golf bag around the course if you don’t want to! That makes this the perfect sport for older individuals who worry about getting injured.

It improves your heart’s health.

While it’s common knowledge that cardio activities boost the health of your heart, but what you might not know is that even golf improves your cardiovascular health. Walking from hole to hole, swinging those golf clubs, and carrying that golf bag around the course all contribute enough physical activity to get that blood pumping for a healthier heart. This translates into a lower risk of diabetes and strokes, as well as lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

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It helps you sleep better.

As we age, the quality of our sleep becomes worse over time. But when you play golf, you the exposure to fresh air and the exercise you get from walking the course work together to give you a better night’s sleep. You’ll also notice that you tend to fall asleep much quicker than when you’re not playing golf, and you stay in that deep sleep for longer periods of time. Overall, this contributes to a healthier you when you’re regularly playing golf.

It keeps your brain healthy.

The physical activity you engage in when walking the course does wonders for your brain’s health. It gives your brain a good supply of blood, which keeps it functioning in tip-top shape. It also strengthens the memory circuits in the brain, which is perfect for warding off Alzheimer’s disease as you age.

If you’ve been looking for a good excuse to get your spouse on board with your golf hobby, then these are some great reasons to use. Of course, these aren’t the only benefits that you get from the game. Learn about additional benefits in this Huffington Post article.