TOP 5 tips for people who want to maintain their cosmetic surgery results

TOP 5 tips for people who want to maintain their cosmetic surgery results

Cosmetic surgery is an expensive investment, and you want to get the most out of that money spent as possible.

There is no way to tell how long a facelift will last, but if you care for your skin and follow the instructions of your doctor, you will maximize your results. This short article will show you how to do just that!

1. Do what your doctor says

Your doctor knows what he or she is doing, so it is best that you do whatever it is you are told to do to the best of your ability. Patients are statistically more likely to develop complications or suffer side effects from any type of surgery if they ignore their physician’s instructions. Before you leave the clinic, make sure you understand your surgeon’s recommendations clearly.

2. Make sure you have someone in the home to help you after surgery

It could be two or three days, if not a week until you are able to fully care for yourself. If there is a friend or relative you trust, ask them to stay the night for a couple of days to help you around the house. At the very least, find someone who can come in and check up on you a few times a day.

3. Watch what you eat
To have a speedy recovery, it’s recommended that you maintain a high-calorie, nutritious diet. If you are unable to prepare your own meals, or if there is no one available to cook for you, take the time to prepare ready-to-eat meals before you undergo surgery.

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4. Quit smoking
Nicotine can slow the healing process significantly by drying out skin. It can also cause your skin to age more rapidly. In some cases, smoking during the healing process has been shown to cause irreparable damage to the affected area. If you are a smoker, it is recommended that you quit; in fact, you should fully kick the habit to the curb several weeks before you undergo surgery.

5. Protect yourself from sun exposure
UV radiation breaks down proteins in your skin, causing you to age more rapidly. People who are out in the Sun too much often have dry and patchy skin. In order to avoid having to undergo surgery again, follow the instructions of the qualified physicians. For instance, the doctors at The Body Clinic recommend that you always wear lotion when you are out and about.

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