The Kratom Commandments: Kratom Strains and Their Effects

kratom strains effects

Medicine is expensive — especially prescribed medication. It can make you bankrupt before you ever start feeling better. As a result, people are turning to alternative options to treat themselves. The interest in alternative medicine can be a good thing as people start trying new things, but it can also be dangerous.

You need to do your research before taking any kind of medicine, and Kratom is no different. Most people don’t even realize that there are different Kratom strains, and expect all kinds of Kratom to have the same kind of effect. This results in people taking the wrong kinds and dosages of Kratom, leaving them worse than before.

When taking correctly, it can be a powerful pseudo-opioid that can have positive effects on people’s pains and moods. Yet, it can also unexpectedly alter a person’s headspace, leaving them terrified and in more pain than ever before. People taking Kratom for any reason should try to become experts on the plant before ever taking their first dose.

And the first step towards becoming an expert on Kratom is to keep reading below to learn more about the different strains and their effects!

Kratom is Naturally Medicinal

If you’re still unfamiliar with what Kratom is, it’s simple to understand. Kratom is a kind of tree grown in regions of Southeast Asia, whose leaves tend to have psychoactive effects if consumed. These can vary, but people who have taken Kratom generally report positive effects.

Yet, there have been few formal studies on Kratom. One 2017 study tried to formally document the effects of Kratom, yet nobody has performed biological research on it, yet. Instead, the 2017 study documented the kinds of effects people reported after taking Kratom, instead of studying its actual effects on the brain and body.

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Despite the lack of actual research, Kratom users say that the plan has helped them in ways that other natural remedies haven’t.

Kratom Strains Aren’t Opioids, Even if They Have Similar Effects

Its theorized that Kratom has similar effects on the brain as opioids, even if it isn’t an actual opioid. It has both sedative and stimulant effects, and the active ingredient in it is the same as in opioids: mitragynine. This ingredient binds to opioid receptors in the mind to produce its effects.

Mitragynine stops pain receptors from working, effectively reducing the pain a person feels. While this explains the physical effects Kratom can have on a person, it doesn’t fully explain its mental benefits. People have theorized that mitragynine can dull emotional pain too, which would explain why Kratom tends to help with mood disorders too.

Kratom Strains Have Different Effects

Despite Kratom’s widespread popularity as a natural remedy for specific ailments, it has different strains. And these strains produce different effects, which makes it important to understand their differences. If you need a sedative, you don’t want to accidentally take a stimulant!

There are actually dozens of different kinds of specific strains, but they are all organized under three specific categories. The best part of Kratom is that anyone can tell the difference between strains just by looking at the leaves. They have different colors, and the colors are associated with different effects.

Keep reading below to learn about the three categories of Kratom strains, and the effects they usually have!

Red Vein Kratom is Most Popular Kind of Kratom

Red vein strains of Kratom, like Pontiac Red Horn or Red Thai, are the most popular strains for beginners. They have calming effects when ingested, and can make people generally optimistic. Red vein strains simply put people in a better headspace, where they can think clearer and are more comfortable with themselves.

It can be used as a sleep aid for people with insomnia, or it can be used to as an alternative for over-the-counter painkillers. The red vein category also has the largest amount of individual strains within it, each producing unique effects. If you’re considering a red vein strain, be sure to research its individual effects first!

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White Vein Kratom Stimulates Your Mood

White vein Kratom strains tend to have the opposite effects as Red Vein ones. Instead of putting people in a calm, serene headspace — they elevate moods. People who take white vein strains usually report feeling more energized and focused and tend to have more energy.

This strain can help people struggling with mood disorders and who are trying to pick their moods up. Yet, it should also be taken more carefully then red vein options. Stimulating a bad mood can have negative consequences since it can intensify negative thought patterns, and may leave people worse than before.

Green Vein Kratom is in Between Red and White

For people who neither need to pull themselves into a better headspace or want to stimulate themselves, there are green vein strains of Kratom. These strains are usually described as being in-between red and white strains. People who have used it tended to say it helped them focus, and get into the flow of whatever they were doing.

Since green vein strains tend to have more recreational effects than medicinal ones, they are usually used in social situations. They can help people overcome social inhibitions, and may even help people enjoy themselves more.

Despite the Colors, Kratom is in a Legal Gray Area

Kratom’s effects aren’t always entirely medicinal, and as a result, they are regulated. In the United States, whether it’s legal to use Kratom depends on the state you’re in. Yet, it’s also a largely disregarded plant on the federal level and isn’t treated with the same severity as other substances.

Despite its legal ambiguity, it’s still sold online. Places like the Kratom Connection provides an easy way to purchase Kratom. All you need to do is select what you want, and Kratom will be shipped right to your doorstep!

Always be Responsible When Using Kratom

Some people believe that Kratom strains can be used as an alternative to prescribed medicine. This is usually a fundamental misunderstanding about what natural remedies are supposed to be. They aren’t an absolute alternative to traditional medicine.

At best, Kratom and similar remedies should just augment medication. They may be useful substitutes for medication if you can’t afford prescriptions. Yet, Kratom shouldn’t replace them.

Be responsible when taking Kratom, and be sure to educate yourself about it. And to educate yourself, just keep reading here! Our website is always updated with new guides and information about how to stay healthy.