What You Need to Know About Meniscus Tears

Meniscus Tears

A meniscus tears injury is often induced by severe acute bruises and is primarily prevalent among athletes and individuals with an active lifestyle. In Singapore, these injuries are also found in crumbling knee with a reduced level of strain and require attention from a knee specialist in Singapore. This article will tell everything What You Need to Know About Meniscus Tears.

What is Meniscus tears?

Each knee has two meniscuses each that look C-shaped cartilage rings and lie in between the tibia and femur bone. They absorb all sorts of shocks in the knee and helps to insulate load that is passed on to the leg when we stand, walk, and run.

How Does Meniscus Suffer Injury?

Usually, the meniscus suffers injury when we twist our knee and it gets entangled right in between the two bones and some portion of it gets detached. The meniscus can also degenerate as we grow older and can easily get detached with minimal strain in aging patients.

How to Prevent a Meniscal Injury?

The meniscus is always at risk as it is involved with every step taken by a patient. However, they can avoid or minimize certain activities to prevent injury chances. They are:

– Minimize crouching and profound knee tilts

– Maintain a healthy body weight

– Reduce activities requiring regular knee twists

What are the Signs of a Meniscal Injury?

Discomfort along the side of the knee is the most prevalent sign of a meniscal injury. If it’s a medial meniscal rupture, then it would be found along the inside on the knee. If it’s a lateral meniscal rupture, then it would be found along the outside of the knee.

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The pain would increase with twisting or profound knee tilts. Patients may also lament of catching, locking, popping, or clicking at those parts of the knee.

In ruptures such as bucket handle ruptures, the meniscus may lock the knee up by flipping into the middle of the knee. This is a severe condition requiring prompt attention.

How to Diagnose a Meniscal Injury?

Most patients are diagnosed with detailed past analysis, physical exam, and MRI. The condition needs to be evaluated by a physician skilled in musculoskeletal medicine for prompt diagnosis and treatment at the same place.

How to Treat a Meniscal Injury?

Treatment is usually offered according to the severity of the condition. A patient complaining of a balmy intermittent pain can be cured with a mix of rest, anti-inflammatory antibiotics, physical therapy, or a steroid dose.

Patients with serious meniscal complaints surgery may be required. This is done arthroscopically through an array of small holes around the complaining area of the knee. The rupture can be fixed either with sutures or by removing the damaged part.

Thankfully, arthroscopy can reduce the post-operation ache, lessen the defected tissue evolution, and obtain high success rates.

What is the Contrast Between a Meniscal Repair and a Debridement?

The patient’s meniscal injury is either repaired or debrided and that hinges on the patient’s age, rupture’s location and geometry, how long it has been there, knee having arthritis or not, etc. Both have their advantages and disadvantages and usually determined during the surgery.

What to Do If You have a Meniscal Injury?

Your treatment for meniscus tears will be determined once your condition is evaluated and depends upon your level of activity, symptoms duration, and the type of rupture.

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Every patient is treated differently. Firstly, the complete details of the injury are obtained from the patient and after detailed analysis, a shared decision is made for the best possible treatment.

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