Our brain controls our body and our moods. There is a central nervous system that controls our movements and thoughts. But without hormones, half of our growth and functions will be depleted. Hormones regulate our growth, functioning of the organs, and moods and have a very specific role while we enter the teenage era of our lives. Once you enter the teenager, there is no turning back. You suffer a lot, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. Only two things can drag you towards a bad or a good part. The first one is hormones, and another one is peer pressure. All About Oestrogen
Today, let us talk about one such hormone that has great importance when puberty hits you. Yes, we are talking about oestrogen. We will also learn about types of oestrogen, high oestrogen symptoms, and many more! Get on board to get the details.
Oestrogen is the sex hormone produced inside the body. It has responsibilities like maintaining the female reproductive system and, most importantly, helping the teen to develop its secondary sexual characteristics. Talking about these characteristics, let me tell you that they start to develop after 11 in girls and 13 in boys. This is an estimated age description. When puberty falls in, there are several body changes like increasing the size of breasts, change of pitch in the voice, pubic hair, and menstruation in females. With all these characteristics, oestrogen is a common ruler.
Oestrogen is also responsible for bodily processes like cardiovascular functions or bone regulation.
The production of this oestrogen is observed in the ovaries, adrenal gland, and fatty tissue. It is present in both males and females but is way too dominant in the female body.
Types Of Oestrogen
There are generally 3 types of oestrogen present in the body, which come up with their functions in several situations that a body faces. All the 3 types are illustrated below.
Estrones are generally found in the body of females after their menopause. Menopause is the period that comes in the age of late 40s. It is the condition where the menses of the woman gets over forever. This form of estrogen is the weakest and is convertible into any other form required.
Estradiol is another form of oestrogen. It is found in both males and females but is more commonly found in females. It is the only form that is highly required and available in the fertilizing period of the woman. But if it gets increased, it may cause severe side effects, which you will read later in this article.
Estriol is the third and last form of oestrogen. It increases during pregnancy. It helps the body and body parts to enhance according to the requirements of the pregnancy and the coming child. It is at its highest just before the birth of the child.
Functions Of Oestrogen
Oestrogen is not just necessary for developing the physique; it has many other important functions to perform. Some of them are given below:
Menstrual Cycle
It helps to maintain the cycle of 28 days. It is the only cycle that permits the woman to conceive and become a mother. It here helps in the ovules’ maturation and aids in the ovulation process. It is at its peak in the first 10-12 days of the menstrual cycle, and while moving towards later stages, it starts to lower down.
It helps increase the thickness of the vaginal wall by increasing cell formation. This aids in maintaining a healthy vagina which limits the growth of microorganisms and keeps a healthy environment of the vaginal aura. In return, the increased amount of vaginal tissue is responsible for the high oestrogen levels causing high oestrogen symptoms, which will be explained later.
It causes an increase in the tissue residing in the breasts. This results in heavy breasts in many women. In addition to this, the flow of milk from the breast shows a valuable decrease in its production due to the considerate levels of oestrogen in the body.
Puberty generally occurs in the teenage period of a human being. This is when the young body starts to walk along the road of the mature body and develops certain sexual characteristics, whether it is the growth of a beard, growth of hair in armpits or pubic areas, heaviness in the breasts, and change in the voice result from puberty, which is performed with the help of oestrogen in the body.
Contraceptives are made to prevent unwanted pregnancy. They are mostly available in the form of pills. These pills contain oestrogen as well as progesterone. It decreases the chances of pregnancy by delaying the ovulation of the eggs and delaying the thickness of the endometrial layer of the ovary.
Causes Of High Oestrogen Levels
Now you have read and understood the benefits of oestrogen. But when this hormone increases in the amount more than required in the body, it causes harm too. What can be the reasons for the high levels of oestrogen in the body?
Stress is the worst enemy of humans, which does not let them sleep well, eat well or carry themselves well in a good mood. Due to increased stress, there is an increased level of it also seen in the body.
Increased Fat
People who have an increased weight or an increased fat also have a high level of oestrogen because unwanted fat promotes oestrogen growth.
High Oestrogen Symptoms
High oestrogen symptoms can be bad for you. After knowing the reasons, let us quickly get to know the common symptoms of high oestrogen.
- Bloating
- Breast Issues like fibrocystic lumps, swelling, or tenderness.
- Decreased Sex Drive
- Irregular Menses
- Increased PMS
- Increased rate of Mood Swings
- Weight Gain
- Fatigue
- Infertility
Summing Up
So this was all about estrogen and high oestrogen symptoms and causes. Hormones can be good enough sometimes and can wooden your situations too. So keep yourself healthy so that your hormones stay in a happy mood.