Buprenorphine is used to treat opioid dependence/addiction. Buprenorphine is a medication of a class known as mixed opioid agonist-antagonists. It aids in the prevention of withdrawal symptoms produced by the discontinuation of other opioids. It is utilized as part of a comprehensive drug misuse treatment program (such as compliance monitoring, counseling, behavioral contract, and lifestyle changes). Subutex
Subutex is often used exclusively at the outset of addiction therapy. The majority of patients are later shifted to another medication that contains this medication.
Buprenorphine is often used alone for the first two days after discontinuing all other opioids. It is normally administered at the doctor’s office. Your doctor will then convert you to a buprenorphine/naloxone combo medicine for maintenance therapy. To avoid withdrawal symptoms, the combination with naloxone acts in the same manner as buprenorphine alone does. It is coupled with naloxone to prevent pharmaceutical abuse.
How does Subutex differ from Suboxone?
The key distinction is that Suboxone includes both buprenorphine and naloxone, whereas Subutex solely contains buprenorphine. Both Suboxone and Subutex are brand names. While both medications were created about the same time, Subutex was the first to be produced, and while it was shown to be somewhat helpful in the treatment of opiate addiction, there was still a potential for the drug to be abused. Many users attempted to inject the substance intravenously in order to get the euphoria they had come to expect from heroin or prescription medicines. They were frequently successful, necessitating the development of another medicine to address this issue.
When does Buprenorphine work best?
Buprenorphine works best when the first dose is administered after the onset of opioid withdrawal symptoms. If you take buprenorphine too soon after your previous opioid usage, you may have withdrawal symptoms. For your treatment plan, follow your doctor’s directions.
Stopping this drug abruptly may induce withdrawal symptoms, especially if you have been taking it for a long period or at high dosages. To avoid withdrawal, your doctor may gradually reduce your dose. Notify your doctor or pharmacist straight away if you have any withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, mental/mood changes (including anxiety, difficulty sleeping, or suicidal thoughts), watery eyes, runny nose, nausea, diarrhea, sweating, muscular pains, or sudden behavioral changes.
Potential Subutex side effects
If your discomfort is severe, consult your doctor since there might be an underlying problem. Because buprenorphine can relieve pain, using it may conceal discomfort caused by other diseases that require alternative medical care. Discuss this with your primary care physician to see if you have any risk factors for other diseases or health problems.
If you rise up from a sitting or lying down position, you may have abrupt low blood pressure, which may cause dizziness. The dizziness and tiredness caused by Subutex might potentially impair driving. More significant adverse effects include liver damage, which is more commonly connected with patients who already have liver impairment from alcohol addiction.
Getting Supervised Clinically
Treatment should begin with supervised administration and gradually move to unsupervised administration when the patient’s clinical stability allows. Unsupervised administration of SUBUTEX should be confined to patients who cannot take SUBOXONE, such as those with established naloxone hypersensitivity. Both SUBOXONE and SUBUTEX are prone to diversion and misuse. Consider the patient’s level of stability, the security of his or her living circumstances, and other considerations that may impact the patient’s capacity to handle supplies of take-home medicine when deciding the prescription quantity for unsupervised administration.