Keeping Kids Healthy – What You Can Do as a Teacher

Keeping Kids Healthy

From the ages of around four until at least 16, we entrust the education of our children to our teachers. We put faith in their ability to prepare our kids for adult life. To nurture the individual gifts that every child has and encourage them to build a skill set around those gifts.

However, as a teacher, there is no doubt that you’re going to have a lot of influence over these children. The things that you say and the way you deal with them will shape their beliefs about adults and this will influence how they grow up to be. So, it shouldn’t come as that much of a surprise that most teachers will encourage children to be healthy. But how do you do this? What can you do to make sure the children grow up to be happy and healthy? Well, let’s find out.

Teach Them About Healthy Eating

If you are going to pass on information to the next generation, then you should probably teach them a little bit about healthy eating. It’s not difficult to try and convey the message that eating sugar and unhealthy foods will lead to health problems. It’s not about banning these products outright but teaching kids the importance of responsibility. If they have X amount of bad food one day, then they can’t have the same amount the next day. It’s just about cause-and-effect really, and there are ways to convey that to even young children.

Show Them Healthy Ways to Play

One of the best things that you can do when it comes to trying to teach children about being healthy is to show them a place where they can play that encourages physical activity. A lot of kids just sit and talk, and that’s not the way forward. You don’t just want to be stuck talking about what happened at lunch that day. You want the kids to be moving and be physically active because that will help to prevent unhealthy futures.

They need to see that there are ways to live that do not involve physical inactivity. If there is playground equipment, then it needs to be suitably appealing to younger people because otherwise you won’t get them using it. In much the same way, if there is a lot of different toys and games that they can use outdoors, it is a good idea to encourage their usage. Early years outdoor play is important to try and promote, because it creates good habits for the future.

Promote Sport Clubs

Sport clubs are a good idea because you’re going to want to make sure that there’s a lot of different options for people who want to try out a new sport or activity. It’s not hard to promote, you just have to make sure that no matter what, you’re pushing kids to try and be physically active.

So in conclusion, there’s a lot that you can do as a teacher to encourage physical fitness. It’s not always easy to do by any means, but it can be really fun if you appeal to the innate sense of play that all kids have. They need to experience play for themselves and learn that it is important to be physically active. That’s something that you can teach them in addition to all the other advice that you’ll pass on. It’s always nice to work important life lessons into school lessons because they stay with kids for longer. You must remember exactly what it is that you’re doing – imparting wisdom in all forms.