The type of skin cancer, melanoma, is also one of the simplest to treat if discovered early. In fact, in the United States, patients diagnosed with melanoma in its beginning stages have a five-year survival rate of 99 percent.
While knowing your melanoma risk factors and performing regular self-checks are essential, seeing your doctor regularly is crucial. Your doctor will perform a full-body skin exam for your personal melanoma risk.
Know Your Skin
When melanoma is diagnosed early, it is highly curable. To do this, it’s critical to take good care of your skin, stay out from sun exposure, and conduct routine self-exams.
Your skin is your body’s biggest organ, which can be a window into your health. Learn how to identify your birthmarks, blemishes, and moles so that you can see any changes or unusual growths.
Take a picture of any new moles you spot to show your doctor. Also, keep a body map of your moles to find them during your self-exams.
You should perform monthly skin exams using a full-length mirror and a hand mirror for hard-to-see areas. If you notice any new spots, mark them on the body map and contact your doctor immediately.
Know Your Body
Our bodies are complicated machines, and our bodies are made up of numerous components that all work together to keep us alive. However, our conscious minds may only sometimes be aware of what is going on.
Melanoma tips Memphis TN includes understanding your body and ways to take care of it can assist you in managing melanoma and maintaining your health. Additionally, it can aid in the improvement of your wellness and health-related decisions.
Performing periodic skin self-exams can help you identify changes in your moles that could be a sign of melanoma. Look for any spot that is different from all the others or appears to be changing, itching, or bleeding.
Know Your Risk
Your risk of melanoma depends on factors like your age, skin tone, and family history. People with fair skin, freckles, blond or red hair, and blue eyes are at greater risk than others.
Regular skin exams and self-checks are the best way to know your risk. Performing these self-checks and learning the ABCDEs of melanoma can help you spot early warning signs so they can be treated.
Know Your Doctor
During your melanoma journey, you will probably see several different doctors. Therefore, it’s crucial to make the appropriate choice for your well-being.
When you first meet them, get to know your new doctor and inquire about their character and outlook. You will likely be seeing them for a long time, so it’s essential that you like the person you are with.
Your doctor will also be part of a team working with you to decide on your treatment plan. These teams are called multidisciplinary teams (MDTs), usually in local hospital skin cancer units or specialist skin cancer centers.
Know Yourself
When you get a melanoma diagnosis, your life is going to change. Depending on the diagnosis’s seriousness, you may feel a swirl of emotions, and your support network will be necessary.
It’s also vital to look after yourself. Find ways to be active, get lots of sleep, and avoid stress.
Then, eat a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables. These foods can help lower your melanoma risk.
Check your skin regularly, and tell your doctor about anything new or changing. Remember to look for a spot that stands out like an ugly duckling, bleeding, scabbing, or not healing.