Procedures That Go Together like PB&J

plastic surgery

What many don’t stop to consider is that many plastic surgery procedures can go great when paired together, and there are many benefits of combining multiple procedures into one too. there are many benefits of combining multiple procedures into one too like combining breast lift and breast augmentation St. Louis.

For those wishing to undergo multiple augmentation procedures, or even for those who want the best possible results in a certain area, it may be best to consider combining the two surgeries into one.

Ahead, we’ll take you through just some of the possible procedures out there that go hand in hand together, along with some of the great benefits and reasons why combining procedures can make for a more efficient, safer, less painful, and more cost-effective plastic surgery procedure than having multiple surgeries performed over a period of time.

Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation

Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation

According to Breast Lift expert, Stephan Baker, by undergoing a breast lift and breast augmentation in the same procedure, you can ensure that you’ll achieve the perfectly sized breasts that are fuller, rounder and perkier. As the unfortunate aging process does its nasty work, breasts inevitably lose volume and shape and begin to sag. Combining a breast lift with breast augmentation is perfect for women looking for more youthful, larger breasts but are hesitant about undergoing more than just the one procedure. When breast implants are performed alone without a breast lift, you won’t achieve the lifting affect you may be looking for.

Tummy Tuck and Liposuction

Tummy tucks have become increasingly popular in recent years. Many women opt for a tummy tuck to address loose skin after childbirth or weight loss. For those who also want to get rid of love handles on their waists, combining a tummy tuck with liposuction could be the answer. The tummy tuck would provide the flat stomach and address lax skin while the liposuction can give them an attractive waistline.

Rhinoplasty and Chin Augmentation

By combining rhinoplasty and a chin augmentation into one, the resulting profile of your face can be much more harmonious and balanced. In some cases, patients may have a super prominent chin and a disproportionately large nose, so by undergoing rhinoplasty and a chin augmentation together, you can be sure of the most optimal results.

Eyelid Lift and Botox

By combining an eyelid lift with BOTOX injections, patients can effectively and efficiently combine two of the most popular facial rejuvenation treatments into one procedure and address signs of aging over the lower, middle and upper areas of the face. BOTOX and an eyelid lift are also perfect for specifically addressing aging eyes, including crow’s feet.

Rhinoplasty and Lip Fillers

When undergoing a rhinoplasty procedure, the resulting swelling can spread its way to the lips. In this case, it’s not wise to get lip filler treatment while healing from rhinoplasty surgery. If done at the same time, however, then the two can be performed safely in tandem with one another for the best possible results.

Facelift and Neck Lift

Two of the biggest indicators that we, unfortunately, have to deal with when it comes to aging are the skin of the face and the neck losing their elasticity and starting to sag. When undergoing a facelift procedure, the neck will more than likely look somewhat out of place and be a dead give away to your true age, and the same goes for a neck lift with no facelift. By combining the two procedures, you can be sure that you’ll achieve the best results, and dial the clock back years.

Brow Lift and Upper Eyelift Surgery

When undergoing a procedure for a brow lift, any loose skin around the upper eyelid will be raised and tightened. By combining the brow lift surgery with eyelift surgery, much like with many of the other examples, you can be sure that the two will work perfectly in tandem with one another for the best possible results.

The Benefits of Combining Procedures

There are many benefits to be taken advantage of when considering combining multiple plastic surgery procedures, such as the following:

You’ll only need to undergo one procedure: The risk of complications during surgery is always going to be a thing. However, if you were to undergo multiple procedures at once, less stress will be placed on your body with one procedure than with two procedures. By combining your plastic surgery procedures, you can obtain all of the benefits of both while having to deal with much less of a risk of any complications, and also with significantly less pain too.

A study undertaken in 2012 by the American Society for Plastic Surgeons on patients undergoing a tummy tuck and liposuction in the same procedure found that there was no increase in pain felt by any of the patients.

You’ll see better results from the surgery: The majority of patients who’ve combined their procedures have reported back much greater satisfaction with their results after having more than one of their aesthetic concerns seen to. For some, having just a chin augmentation, for example, may result in their large looking somewhat larger in comparison with their new smaller chin. Those that had their chin augmentation combined with a rhinoplasty found that their profile was much more balanced and symmetrical.

You won’t require such a long recovery time: With several procedures performed at once, you can enjoy a much shorter recovery time overall than undergoing the two procedures separately. By combining a breast lift with breast augmentation, for example, undergoing both procedures at the same time will not result in extended recovery time.

You’ll save money in the long run: In recent years, plastic surgery has become more and more affordable, and therefore more and more accessible to more and more of us. Be this as it may, many procedures can still be incredibly costly, all things considered, and there are many additional fees thrown on top that you may not be considering. You can save money on fees such as facility fees, surgeon fees, anesthesia, and more when combining multiple plastic surgery procedures into one, as many will only need to then be paid the one time.