10 Exercises for Busy Entrepreneurs Infographic

top ten exercises for busy entrepreneurs

Everyone knows how stressful and time-consuming it is to run your own business, most especially startup companies which eat up a lot of time and energy. Business meetings also mean dining out and drinking with clients and partners frequently. Combining all of these factors would mean the possibility of gaining weight and not finding enough time to exercise. With all the illnesses and diseases that develop due to lack of physical activity, it’s important to take the time out and do quick exercises even from the comfort of your home office.

While every minute counts, each day is also important in maintaining one’s health. Walking a few extra flights of stairs already contributes greatly to a person’s cardiovascular health, so getting off  a few floors shy of your actual destination and walking the rest of the way counts as good exercise. Of course, it would be better if you rode a bike to work or did some exercises such as push ups or crunches in the middle of the day. A few jumping jacks every couple of hours also does wonders to boost your metabolism and keep you alert the whole day.

For business people who have been taking their health for granted, don’t lose hope. Below is an infographic showing 10 exercises that busy entrepreneurs can do every day. These are quick, easy, and convenient to do from home or from the office. All it takes is a commitment to improving one’s health one day at a time. Try these out and see the big difference it can make!

10 Exercises for Busy Entrepreneurs (SBO)