11 Health benefits of Coffee that you might not know

Health benefits of Coffee cup

People drink coffee, no matter whatever the time it is, be it in the night, day or the morning.

There is always  people complaining about the ill effects of coffee, but the health benefits overshadow these.

Today, we have brought you about 11 health benefits of coffee that you might not know about. Coffee haters stay away :P.

Here you go –

Lower risks of Diabetes –

Diabetes is the fastest growing health threat of all times.

According to Archives of Internal Medicine –

People who drank more than 6 or more cups of coffee had a 22% lower risk of diabetes.

So start drinking coffee today, if you want to prevent diabetes.

Health benefits of Coffee tools

Cuts the muscular pain

You know the pain after a strenuous workout. It’s too much too handle.

I usually workout while wearing a weighted vest. It is tougher this way.

But a cup coffee can help you cut post-workout muscle pain by 50%. That’s great 🙂

Prevents cirrhosis of liver

Cirrhosis of the liver is a condition where a part of the liver gets scarred. Although half of the liver is more than sufficient for the functioning of the body, people with such a condition need to take extra care of the liver as it is one of the organs that can’t recover back.

According to a study by the Hepatology Journal

It showed that both coffee and decaffeinated coffee lowered the liver enzyme levels of coffee drinkers hence preventing the cirrhosis of the liver.

Health benefits of Coffee sipping

Lowered the chances of the Alzheimer’s disease

According to European Journal of Neurology, there is substantial proof that drinking two cups of coffee or more helps in protecting against Alzheimer’s disease.

Reduces Suicides risks and prevents depression   

Suicides are becoming common these days. Every other day you hear news about someone suiciding, students generally.

Drinking coffee is a great way of reducing your anxiety.

According to a study conducted by Harvard they found that  people who drink 4 or more cups of coffee were 20% less likely to suffer from depression.

Health benefits of Coffee monitor heart

Less risks of heart disease

Heart Disease is becoming common these days.

According to CDC –

Around 28.4 million citizens in US are diagnosed with heart disease. That’s big.

According to Korean researchers, people who drink coffee are less likely to show signs of heart problems.

Reduces Colorectal cancer risk

Cancer is a deadly disease , we all know that.

Drinking coffee can help you prevent it. According to a study, consumption of coffee can reduce the chances of  colorectal cancer by 26%.


Yes, you heard that right.

Drinking coffee can help you increase your life. No, you won’t become a superhuman though 😛 .

A study from Japan showed that men who drink at least 3 cups of coffee per day had a 24% less chance of dying early from disease.

Prevents retinal damage

A study from the Cornell University showed that coffee may prevent you from retinal damage due to oxidative stress.

The substance that helps in this is not caffeine but  chlorogenic acid (CLA).

Prevents tooth decay

Is tooth decay troubling you? Then you should start drinking black coffee today.

Researchers from Brazil found that strong black coffee kills the bacteria on your teeth that leads to tooth decay.
So make an habit to drink black coffee regularly to keep your teeth safe.

Helps you to stay healthy

The USDA recommended coffee for better health in its 2015 dietary guidelines.

So drinking coffee is not that bad. Specially black coffee is quite healthy for the body. Avoid coffee with milk. If you are not looking to drink coffee, but you do want the benefits of caffeine, check out the best caffeine supplements reviewed by clicking on the link and reading this wonderful resource!

Hope you liked the post. Comment your thoughts below. I would love to know them.

Thanks 🙂 .

Author Bio –

I’m Himanshu Gupta, the founder of TopWeightedVest.

I write for TopWeightedVest, a website dedicated health benefits of weighted clothing. I regularly post some epic content on my blog. When I am not blogging, you will find me watching tech videos or playing FIFA. I love gadgets and love to read their reviews.

I am currently pursuing Engineering. I aspire to make blogging as my Full-Time career.