3 Benefits of Taking a Daily Multivitamin

3 Benefits of Taking a Daily Multivitamin

There’s a constant debate over the effects of taking daily multivitamins. Some say it’s ineffective while others swear by its positive results. Your supplement manufacturer will claim that the benefits of taking a daily multivitamin are innumerable, and in many ways, that’s true. According to science, there are some profound benefits of taking a daily multivitamin.

Better health and nutrition

In a perfect world, we would consume all of our essential vitamins and nutrients through food. However, most people don’t eat well enough to get their recommended daily vitamins, particularly in the United States.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) contains a lot of white and yellow starchy foods with few nutrients. Multivitamins contain the nutrients that you probably aren’t getting if you adhere to the SAD. It’s also a great way for those on a special diet, such as vegans or vegetarians, to get the nutrients they’re missing out on.

“On any given day, if you fall short in one or more nutrients, you’ll fill that gap with a multivitamin. A multi is a nice zero-calorie, nutrient-dense way to offset that pattern,” Duffy MacKay, a naturopathic doctor on the Council for Responsible Nutrition, told Better Nutrition. Eating a multivitamin is a much simpler task than figuring out which foods contain the nutrients you need, so it’s an appealing option.

It’s important to note that although vitamins can help fill the gap, it’s not a replacement for good nutrition. You body absorbs nutrients better when it’s consumed in food rather than in supplement form. So your diet should still be as healthy as possible, using vitamins only to make up the difference.

Better aging and memory

Who doesn’t want to look younger and avoid mental health problems related to aging? Both women and men are always on the hunt for the “fountain of youth”, and hope to avoid serious mental health conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

Several studies support the claim that multivitamins can reduce aging effects and help you keep your memory strong. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study with 586 female participants. They found that those who took daily multivitamins had cells which showed fewer signs of aging when compared with those who didn’t take these supplements.

Another study in Nutrition Journal looked at the effects of taking multivitamins for 901 patients over the age of 65. For many of these elderly patients, their daily dose improved cognitive functioning. They had better memories and fewer age-related mental health risks.

Weight loss

Certain vitamins and minerals have been known to promote weight loss. These include B vitamins, iron, magnesium, and vitamin D. While B vitamins help your body metabolize carbs, proteins, and fats, vitamin D can help you lose stomach fat. But vitamin D is hard to come by without supplements.

“Your body can get all the vitamin D it needs courtesy of the sun,” explains Healthline. “Unfortunately, most people today spend too much time indoors, or live in climates where the sun doesn’t always shine.”

Most multivitamins contain these nutrients, so you can enjoy the benefits of these weight-loss vitamins. If you don’t get enough sunshine, or if your food lacks the vitamins and minerals you need for weight loss, multivitamins can fill the gap.