4 Ways to Treat Chronic Pain Without an RX

4 Ways to Treat Chronic Pain Without an RX

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, you know how much it impacts their lives. In order to manage pain, doctors are giving prescriptions for powerful medications, like opiods. Opioids typically do a good job treating pain, but they cause pain in other areas of life. Thousands of drug addicts become addicted because they were prescribed a medication from their doctors. They did not become that way because of poor choices. They became addicted because they followed the advice of their doctors. Pain medications like that are meant for short term. If used long term, they can cause serious problems. Let’s take a look at other ways to treat pain without the negative implications.


If you are comfortable with needles, this is a good option. Acupuncture dates back thousands of years. Tiny needles are inserted into specific places to help with things, like pain and anxiety.  Many people do not feel any pain from this. Some people feel a tiny sting. This isn’t like getting a shot at the doctor


If your alignment is off, it can throw your entire body off. Misalignment is a huge reason of why people visit their doctor for back pain. Misalignment can also cause headaches. Many times a physician will prescribe medicine to relieve the pain, but not the cause of pain. Chiropractors fix the cause. Chiropractic care consists of a scheduled treatment plan to correct the alignment. It isn’t a one time visit, but it will be worth the time.


Everyone knows that massages are good to relieve stress, but they are more powerful than a relaxing visit. Back pain and headaches can be treated with massage. Massage and chiropractic care can be combined for a powerful treatment. Massage therapy helps relieve muscle tension, which can reduce pain.


Oils are replacing prescriptions. Because of their safety and effectiveness, it is easy to see why they’re so popular. Many oils like, Every Day Optimal CBD Oil, help control pain, but do not have the side effects that RX drugs do. Oils can be used to treat many things, like depression, anxiety, and digestive issues. Many oils are even safe for children. Before using oils, be sure to make sure that they are pure. If they aren’t pure then it is not a good idea to use them. Also, read the recommended usage and dose. That will tell you how much to use and how to use it. Some oils are ingested while other are put on the skin.

With an opiod crisis gripping America, many Americans are looking for alternative ways to maintain their pain. There are several ways that are effective without negative side effects. These four alternatives are all great when used together. For instance, you can get a massage that incorporates essential oils. You can get a massage before visiting a chiropractor to help the doctor easier align your spine.