5 Nutrition Rules to Live By

5 Nutrition Rules to Live By

With the passage of time our focus on health is increasing, today due to the presence of technology we have become aware of the importance of staying fit, eating healthy and exercise. But still, we get to hear about a large number of people suffering from illnesses such as Heart diseases, diabetes, and obesity.

The rate of teenagers and young adults suffering from cardiovascular diseases has also increased. I wondered what might be the reason behind it. Well, the primary cause is that while focusing on physical fitness we neglect nutrition. Here I bring to you five golden rules that you need to implement to live a healthy lifestyle.

Say No to Processed Foods:

Foods that are processed chemically pose a severe threat to our health. These products are full of chemicals and preservatives rather than vitamins and minerals. Avoid all types of refined carbs, calorie-rich drinks, artificial sweeteners, frozen items, instant foods and junk items such as French fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc.

Focus on getting the nutrients that your body requires and eat whole foods such as Barley, Quinoa, Brown Rice, Millet and whole wheat pasta, bread and buns.

Don’t miss breakfast:

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and should be eaten within 30 minutes of waking- up. It boosts our energy at the beginning of the day and provides a combination of the essential nutrients. Even if you are running late, you can have a  meal replacement shake that contains all vital nutritional constituents but never miss your day’s first meal.

 Supplements aren’t a wise option

Supplements shouldn’t be your first option, in case you suffer a deficiency and can’t fulfill the lack of those nutrients with natural foods, only then is it advisable to add multivitamins to your diet. You can also include natural pre-workout supplements if you need to boost your energy before hitting the gym but make sure you consult your dietician before doing so.

A balanced diet is vital!

We all need to realize that instead of giving up on carbs or fats we need to consume a diet that has the correct proportion of all nutrients. Good carbs are an excellent source of energy; healthy fats are essential for joint and bone health, proteins are crucial for repairing tissues, cells and building muscles, vitamins boost our immunity and minerals help to maintain nerve function and improve bone health.

Make sure that you incorporate all these nutrients to your diet, add vegetables & fruits, good carbs, protein such as chicken, turkey or fish and fatty acids such as Omega 3, Omega 6 to your meal.

Stay Hydrated

Our body needs about 2 liters of water every day; it helps cleanse the system and maintain the balance of body fluids that aid in digestion, transportation of nutrients and maintaining body temperature.  So instead of gulping on beverages filled with fructose, use water to fulfill your thirst.  You can also have other drinks such as tea or juices but it is better to avoid drinking caffeine so choose healthier options.

About the Author:

Kelly Newman is a Fitness Trainer and blogger. She loves to write about everything related to fitness and diet and wants to help people adopt a healthier lifestyle. She works with the team behind Health Listed and does extensive research to provide people actionable health and nutrition information.