5 Types of Spy Cameras That Could Be Watching You Now

5 Types of Spy Cameras That Could Be Watching You Now

Over the years, cameras have evolved tremendously. They have gone from big, bulky equipment to tiny ones that can even be concealed. Spy cameras come in various types. Manufacturers have created clever designs that help disguise the cameras, making it easier for users to set them up. Spy cams, together with home defense weapons, will allow you better ensure the security of your family.

Here are 5 types of spy cameras that you could use (or should watch out for!):

  1. USB Charger

The USB charger spy camera is a device that is disguised as a basic USB charger. It is easy to conceal as all you have to do is to plug it into the wall. Most spy cameras of this type are also actually functional chargers. You could easily use this as a nanny cam, and it would even be better if you also had child safety products.

  1. Clock Radio

Clock Radio spy cams are available in various sizes and shapes, and they work like a real clock and radio. These spy cams typically have a number of knobs, so it will be difficult to notice the pinhole lens.

  1. Wi-Fi Adapter

Wi-Fi adapter spy cams look unassuming since they pretty much appear like regular adapters. Most of them even include a wire that’s just there to help with the disguise. There are also models that have Wi-Fi built in them, allowing you to live stream the video in real time.

  1. Flash Drive

Flash drive spy cams look like regular storage sticks. The camera lens is usually placed at the end of the stick that is opposite the plug.

  1. Smoke detector

Most smoke detector spy cams have wide angle lenses. Since they are usually installed in the ceiling, they are can provide surveillance of the entire room. However, they are often not functional detectors. Installing them near actual smoke detectors may make people think that they are indeed spy cams.