A lot of people don’t really think about their health unless they really have to. It can be scary, and can make people think of their own mortalities. However, thinking about our health is essential if we want to keep it in the best condition. The good news is, keeping healthy isn’t hard, especially when there are easy (non-medical) ways to do it. Here are some of the more unusual habits you might want to start.
As strange as it may seem, smiling appears to make us live longer. Wayne State University carried out a study about this, and the results suggest that the bigger your smile, the longer you will live – those with the biggest smiles compared to people who hardly smile at all managed to gain an extra seven years on average. This could be because those who are more easily able to smile widely are more positive in general and happier in life which means they are suffering from less stress. The less stress you have, the healthier you can stay because your heart and blood pressure won’t be negatively affected.
Regular Sex
Having sex on a regular basis is good for your health, even if it sounds like an odd thing to say. Sex releases hormones that fight against negative feelings and help to boost circulation amongst other things. Sex is also a great form of exercise which, unlike some sports and workouts, is enjoyable. Men who have vasectomies, especially those who have already been a parent to young children who have now flown the nest, are able to have sex with their partners without the worry of pregnancy. If this sounds appealing to you, you can learn more here. However, remember to practice safe sex, as contraception should still be used to limit the risk of STIs.
Your Initials
You may not think of your initials unless they spell something out, and that, say researchers at the University of California, is the key. If your initials spell out something positive (such as VIP, WOW or perhaps TOP), then it is said that you will be healthier. This is probably down to the fact that people will continually comment on your interesting name and initials, reminding you that you are a lucky, positive kind of person. If you have this as your mindset, you will become that lucky, positive person.
Getting Married
Those who get married tend to have healthier, longer lives than those who choose to live with their significant other, or who are single. So although there are many benefits to getting married, the one you probably haven’t considered is a longer life – but it’s certainly one to think about if you’re not sure whether to pop the question or not!
Being (Just A Little) Overweight
We all know that being overweight, and especially being obese, is bad for our health, causing early deaths as well as diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. However, being just a little overweight has been shown to be better for you than being super skinny. This is because it will help you when you lose weight due to old age – you won’t get too thin and unwell. Remember, though, that if you are at a good weight now, trying to gain weight in order to live longer is a bad idea.