Varicose veins are not uncommon, but they can be embarrassing if you have them. Dark blue or purple twisted and ropey veins on your lower body, usually on your calves or thighs, may leave you wanting to skip the pool or the beach, suffering in long pants on hot days, and even avoiding social encounters in an effort to keep them hidden. While varicose veins aren’t necessarily preventable, especially if your parents and grandparents had them, there are some things you can do to reduce their appearance if you aren’t quite ready to undergo a procedure to remove them. Here are eight ideas you can try today:
- Use a self-tanner.
The paler your legs are, the more likely your varicose veins are to be seen. Sunbathing is terrible for your skin, but thank goodness self-tanners are easier to use than ever. They blur and fade everything from scars to veins, and you’ll look great with that extra glow.
- Take vitamin C.
Taking vitamin C supplements or adding more vitamin C to your diet won’t get rid of your varicose veins, but it does do wonders for improving your skin’s appearance. When the rest of your skin looks good, your veins don’t look quite as bad. It also strengthens the blood vessel walls which means varicose veins might develop at a slower rate.
- Invest in body makeup.
These days, the hottest trend is makeup isn’t for your face, but for the rest of your body. It works wonders hiding bumps, lumps, bruises, blemishes, stretch marks, tattoos, and even varicose and spider veins. Be sure to avoid the cheap stuff as it can stain your clothing, and if you tend to sweat, look for waterproof versions.
- Use your concealer.
If you only have one or two veins you want to hide, and you don’t want to buy a whole new tube of makeup, use your facial concealer. Again, premium brands work better than the cheap stuff. A little bronzer may help, too.
- Try aloe vera gel.
Try rubbing some aloe vera gel on your legs daily. You may see a slight difference over the course of several weeks up to a few months. It hasn’t been scientifically proven, but some people swear by it. Also, it’s pretty good for your skin, so it won’t hurt to give it a try.
- Wear compression stockings.
If you have poor circulation, compression stockings can help improve it and may prevent more varicose veins from forming. However, wearing them regularly can also help reduce swelling and the appearance of the veins you already have. These days, compression stockings come in a variety of colors, and you can even choose thigh-highs, tights, or pantyhose.
- Apply witch hazel.
Another home remedy that hasn’t been scientifically proven but is used by thousands of men and women each day is witch hazel. Some people say that applying it to their legs daily, particularly over the area of the veins, reduces swelling and makes their veins less noticeable. If nothing else, it may have a cooling effect which can help minimize the burning or pain varicose veins sometimes cause.
- Prop up your feet.
While propping your feet up for about 30 minutes or more every night won’t get rid of your veins, it can help reduce pain and swelling in the area of them, making them less noticeable. It’s also a great way to help prevent further varicose veins from popping up.
Content provided by Laser Vein Centers, the leader in Varicose Vein Treatment in Los Angeles