Did you know that it takes almost 2 months for a new behavior to become automatic?
That’s right, it takes 66 days to automatically do a new thing, i.e. stop smoking. Which is why giving up your addiction to nicotine and smoking can be difficult.
If you want to stop smoking, discover how you could quit smoking with vaping now.
Ways to Quit Smoking
There are many ways in which you can try to stop smoking, but due to the addictive nature of nicotine and the habit of smoking, it can be hard to stop.
You can try to use nicotine patches, nicotine gum or lozenges. You can try going cold turkey – where you just stop smoking and don’t replace it with anything.
Or you can try the new way in which a lot of people try to stop smoking: vaping. Vaping can help to curb your smoking cravings and you can cut down your nicotine levels each time you use your vape.
Quit Smoking By Vaping
Joseph Robinson came up with the idea of the e-cigarette in 1927. However, it was in 1963 that vaping became popular when Herbert Gilbert made a smokeless non-tobacco cigarette.
In the mid-2000s, the Chinese firm Hon Lik made the first modern e-cig and vaping started become a popular way to help people quit smoking.
What is Vaping?
Vaping is short for vaporizing. It essentially means that you are inhaling vapor through a vape mod. The vaping liquid is tobacco-free, which means you are still smoking just without all the harmful substances that are in cigarettes.
People choose to quit smoking with vaping because it feels like smoking, but it is cleaner, avoids bad breath, and dirty ashtrays.
How Does Vaping Work?
Vaping is similar to smoking, which is why smokers like to quit smoking using a vape. However, it is electronic so you don’t light it and it requires vapor liquid.
There are a few components that you need to know and familiarize yourself with when using a vape.
The first part is the battery. Because vapes are electronic, the battery can be charged when it runs out. You can recharge a vape battery with a USB connector.
Another part of the vape is the tube, this is where you put the vapor-liquid and where the vaporizing happens. The e-juice is heated up by the atomizer which then converts it into a vapor that you inhale and exhale (in a similar to smoking a normal cigarette).
The e-cigarette juice goes into the atomizer of your vape. You can get a variety of e-cigarette juice flavors and types. For example, you can get some which have nicotine or no nicotine. You can also get different flavors of juice, such as strawberry, chocolate, mint, cherry, and many more.
The juice that goes into atomizer is a water-based liquid which contains vegetable glycerine or propylene glycol, flavoring, and nicotine (which is optional).
How Much Can You Use a Vape?
You can use your vape as much as you like, or as much as the battery allows you to. Vaping all day isn’t advised because of the battery life. A typical charge will last around 2 hours when in constant use.
Many people who use vapes to quit smoking use the vape where they would usually have a cigarette. So, when you are about to go for a cigarette break, just take your vape instead and spend a few minutes inhaling and exhaling the e-juice.
Different vapes have different battery lives and different features, so make sure you find one that works for you. Learn more about the Ego E-cigarette and how the ego vape battery works.
Benefits of Vaping
There are many benefits of vaping, which is why a lot of smokers decide to quit smoking by vaping. Vaping benefits include improving your health and the health of those around you, spending less money on cigarette products, and provides a safer alternative to smoking.
Improve Your Health
Tobacco cigarettes have between 3000 to 4000 chemicals and harmful substances in them. So ditching cigarettes in favor of vaping is much better for your health.
It is also better for the health of those around you, such as family and friends because they aren’t inhaling second-hand smoke too.
A study conducted by Queen Mary University concluded that the “long-term health effects of EC use are unknown but compared with cigarettes, EC is likely to be much less, if at all, harmful to users or bystanders.”
Spend Less Money
Quitting smoking altogether will save you so much money, but vaping can also save you a lot of money.
You just need to buy the vape upfront, and then you continue to purchase the e-liquid. The rechargeable vape battery should last at least a year before you need to replace it.
Safer Alternative
Another benefit of vaping is that it is a safer alternative to smoking because there is less risk of fires.
Smoking involves fire and combustion and can lead to house fires, whereas vapes don’t have these associated risks.
However, the battery technology can overheat so when you are charging and using your vape, you do need to take certain steps to ensure that the risk of fire is minimized.
Discover how smoking is damaging your body and find the inspiration you need to quit.
Quit Smoking With Vaping Now
It is never easy to stop smoking, but the health benefits make it worthwhile.
So if you want to stop, try to quit smoking with vaping. It feels just like smoking but is better for your health, is cheaper, and it is safer than smoking.
Learn more about how you can look after your body with our health articles that cover everything from physical health to mental health.