Alternative Therapies Helping the Fight Against Mesothelioma

Alternative Therapies Helping the Fight Against Mesothelioma

Alternative therapies are misunderstood. The truth is that alternative therapies are the therapies of the future. They simply haven’t entered mainstream medicine yet. For incurable and aggressive cancers like mesothelioma, alternative therapies are the key to the future. Survivors like Paul Kraus have utilized alternative therapies to extend their lifespans. Paul has survived for 21 years with the disease, which makes him the longest survivor in history. These are the alternative therapies that have been the most effective at beating mesothelioma, and you can find more information at:

1. Ozone Therapy

It’s believed that highly oxygenated blood is effective at killing cancer cells. It’s also true that high levels of oxygen can help them grow. That’s why people have previously dismissed ozone therapy.

Traditional ozone therapy doesn’t work, but there are many types of ozone therapy. Through empowering white blood cells with high levels of oxygen, it’s possible to overcome the growth of new tumors. Studies have already shown that new ozone therapies have a lot of potential.

2. Vitamin C Therapy

Vitamin C therapy has been making the rounds in therapeutic circles for years. A lack of evidence meant that mainstream medicine dismissed the idea of using Vitamin C therapy. Yet new studies have demonstrated that this type of therapy works when it comes to attacking cancer cells. The reason for this is that Vitamin C boosts the immune system and promotes collagen growth. This is the equivalent of reinforcing your bones, muscles, and blood vessels. Your body becomes more resistant to the invading cancer cells.

3. Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese medicine promotes acupuncture as a way of relieving stress. Look at the research and acupuncture is a proven way of eliminating stress and additional pain caused by conventional cancer treatment. Another study shows that acupuncture stops cancer patients from vomiting. When combined with other treatments, acupuncture keeps the body strong and increases the chances of beating mesothelioma.

4. Meditation

Meditation is practiced by everyone from spiritualists to corporate CEOS. And there’s a reason for that. Those who meditate are less likely to experience stress and anxiety. It’s positive for mental health.

Cancer patients are more likely to suffer from mental health problems. That could all change through meditation. By preventing mental illness, you’ll be able to tackle mesothelioma head on.

5. Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is breaking new ground. Scientists are studying cancer vaccines for patients who already have cancer. It’s changing this field from preventative to a real treatment. The theory behind it is that the body will be better able to resist a cancer it already has. The primary treatment is a doctor provides a vaccine with weakened cancer cells already inside. Your white blood cells then train themselves to fight that specific type of cancer.

Last Word – Changing the Lives of Mesothelioma Patients

These alternative mesothelioma treatments are increasing the chances of patients beating their prognoses. The results are backed up by real scientific evidence and people like Paul Kraus are living proof that they do work.

Which alternative therapy are you most interested in?