Are E-Cigarettes a Good Substitute for Smoking Cigarettes?

Are E-Cigarettes a Good Substitute for Smoking Cigarettes?

It is no surprise and not rocket science by any means to understand the negative detriments that smoking traditional cigarettes has on our bodies. Disgusting breath, bad odor, and an empty wallet are easy to see on the outside of the body, but what happens to the inside of the body in regards to lung health and lack of circulation can be even more devastating. That should, what about an alternative to toxic cigarettes such as vaping?

More Background on Bodily Harm Done by Cigarettes

Smoking is dangerous in the fact that it brings in a host of bad chemicals into your body such as arsenic and carbon monoxide. Many of the chemicals in cigarettes are carcinogenic and can lead to the outcome of having cancer. Most people are aware that they are dangerous, but if they understood the other outward effects, they may think twice about smoking them.

Cigarettes can cause early signs of aging from wrinkles, skin stains from the tar on your finders, and the foul odor of smoke on both the breath and also the body: not to mention, it leaves you broke and only wanting for more…what a waste of time and life!

Inside of the body, smoking does more damage than on the outside. Although you cannot see it, arteries constricting and becoming clogged as well as shortness of breath and more susceptibility to getting sick are going on right beneath the skin! Lung cancer, pneumonia, and emphysema are also much higher of risks when someone is a regular smoker. In addition, heart attacks are increased because the body’s ability to both carry oxygen and effectively transport blood are greatly diminished!

“I Can’t Just Quit: So What Can I do About Smoking?”

Enter in E-Cigarettes and the growing popularity of vaping. Although critics and public health officials do not always acknowledge it as a healthy alternative, the majority of current studies say that e-cigarettes are indeed a nice alternative to smoking regular cigarettes (making e-cigarettes the new sense of style) and a great tool towards letting the habit of smoking go; in fact, many current e-cigarette users have relied on the tool to let go of traditional smoking.

What is an E-Cigarette?

Although there are some concerns that e-cigarettes contain carcinogens, heating the liquid inside of e-cigs instead of burning it, does not necessarily mean that dangerous chemicals are being released and inhaled. Burning the liquid could release carcinogens, but heating it and using it responsibility does not have the same effect. The media tends to cast a negative light on it by ignoring these statements and therefore is incorrect in much of its categorization of vaping usage. Other than, nicotine, only vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol are used in the e-cig liquid. The Prop Glycol is what produces the vapor that naturally looks like smoke but is actually composed of water.

What is the Verdict on E-Cigs and Vaping?

Although only fifteen percent of the public perceive e-cigarettes as a healthy alternative to smoking, they are actually proven to be ninety-five percent less harmful than traditional smoking and can also aid in saving a lot of extra cash to thicken your wallet!

It is shown that e-cigs are misunderstood and played out in a negative light by the media. The rechargeable battery is capable of exploding with extreme over-heating, but the likelihood of your e-cig blowing up in your face is about equivalent to your mobile phone blowing up on you while using it at the gas pump: if that were the case, there would be a lot more car fires!

In the end, e-cigs are widely more accepted by publish health and doctors in comparison to traditional cigarettes. The evidence points to strong positive effects when the two are compared and studies show that improved circulatory and respiratory effects are the result of switching from traditional tobacco cigs to e-cigs. Take that into consideration next time you have to choose between the two!

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