How to Choose the Best Gaming Headset for Consoles and PC

top gaming headphones

Having specific headphones for video games can significantly improve your gaming experience. Listening to all the details of the audio of your favorite video games can not only fill us with adrenaline but also immerses us in the scene in a different way. It even enhances our ability in the game. That is why it is essential to have the best gaming headphones.

In this article, we will tell you what to look for when buying the perfect accessory for video games and what are the best models.

When making the decision to get this essential accessory for our PlayStation, Xbox or PC, we then realize that there are so many models, with prices so varied. Sometimes, we do not know which one to buy without risking all of our savings. We can understand how you feel, we have been there. And that’s why we have summarized in this post all the essential features you should look for in your next gaming headset.

Criteria for selecting the best gaming headphones

The headphones we use can be decisive when it comes to winning a video game or to relieve the noises of the game. Besides, the good ones are not exactly cheap, so buying them is not a decision that can be taken lightly.

Before picking our favorite pair, we have to keep in mind specific requirements that go from the shape, the style, the manufacturing quality, the connection mode and the platform in which we are going to use them.

Quality of the Design: The first thing we have to consider when buying our gaming headphones is the shape of the headphone. On the market, you can find button-type, supra-aural, and circumaural models. The latter, also known as over-ear, is the most recommended as they offer a higher immersion capacity than other models.

Headset Materials: Another fundamental point to consider is the material of the headset. The more padded, the higher their insulation capacity, and so it will be more comfortable for you to wear them, even for extended periods.

Quality of the Design

Headband: The headband or the part that goes over the top of the head also has to be comfortable if we are going to spend many hours with the accessory weighing on our head.

Power Sensitivity: With “power sensitivity” we refer to the power that is emitted by the speaker of the headset and is measured in decibels. In gaming models, the standard is between 95 and 120 dB, but the higher its value, the higher the sound power.

Impedance: We call “impedance” the resistance that headphones create to the passage of electric current or the dynamic tolerance that a speaker has to support more or less power; it is measured in ohms. If the tolerance is too low, the headphones can become overloaded and generate unnecessary noise. Therefore, for video games, the ideal is between 16 and 60 ohms. In that case, it will be easier to use them with any console, computer, tablet or phone without problems like the lack of power and any unnecessary noise. If you are willing to buy a costly gaming headset then you must apply for a personal loan for this purpose.

Frequency Response: We refer to the range that the headset emits within the audible spectrum. A human ear perceives all sounds from 20 to 20,000 Hertz. In that frequency band, we can hear everything, so the headset must cover at least that range.

Drivers: We should look at the size and number of drivers of our new pair of gaming headset. To generate good bass and realistic effects you need a full woofer and, therefore, a diaphragm of 40 mm or more. Thus, the bigger they are, the better.

Semi-Open: if we are going to use them at home, the reasonable thing is to buy semi-open headphones that allow breathing in the ear without losing sound quality for long periods of play.


Are you planning to buy the best gaming headset this year? Make sure to check out the latest releases of SOMiC. SOMiC has been providing its customers with high-quality and visually-appealing headphones since 1999. After almost 20 years in the audio product industry, SOMiC has still managed to keep up with the new trends and to release new products every season. Their new-released gaming headset SOMiC G805 has outstanding quality and material selection. This new model was designed with in mind the needs of FPS gamers who might want to take advantage of its three professional modes: video, audio, PUBG, and LOL. The SOMiC G805 allows you to take your gaming experience to the next level with its virtual 7.1 technology and no driver set up required. Get yours today!