Your phone is probably a fundamental part of your life. You use it as an alarm when you get up in morning, to kill time during breakfast, to listen to music when you drive, and keep all your information together. You are probably tied at the hip to your phone. If fitness is your lifestyle, incorporating it into this technology is a great way to be successful.
Pump up the Jam
Going running, or lifting weights? What sort of fool still uses an MP3 player and a phone? You can use your phone to listen to music, track your run, and keep your apps up-to-date on your workouts. Using your phone as an easy music source is lots of fun, and can be super easy. Unfortunately, it can also be terrible for your phone (sweat = water damage).
As tempting as it is to slide your phone into your sports bra or the waistband of your shorts, you’re just prepping your phone to be covered in sweat and dropped when you adjust. It’s super easy to make an armband out of any old tube sock lying around your house. You can also avoid headphone issues that pester any running or lifting champ by choosing an overhead pair of wireless headphones that won’t pop out of your ears and won’t get tangled up. There are lots of cheap options out there, but if you want to treat yourself, Beats by Dre are considered the gold standard of fitness headphones.
Check Which Apps You Use
Some apps are better than others when tracking your fitness. For example, some apps are super awesome and hella’ positive communities built around tracking and sharing your health journey. There’s apps that work and some that don’t, and as you try different ones, you’ll find the one that works for you.
One thing you should be cautious of is the amount of information that your fitness apps are taking from you. This fun Chinese editting app took an absurd amount of information from your phone, which normally hints at some dark data sales, or the amount of fitbit user info that’s available on the dark web (because of app integration with poorly protected apps). Limiting the connectivity of certain apps, choosing apps that ask for the bare necessity (that flashlight app doesn’t need access to your wallet), and getting apps through the Apple/Google Play store will help limit the amount of information that goes missing.
Use your fitness apps with confidence. They can track your success, help you stay fit, and motivate you with a community and reminders.
Safety is pretty gosh darn important, especially when working out. That’s why trainers focus on form, warming up, and proper equipment use so much. What you may not realize is that your phone can help you stay healthy and safe! Whether you’re out running in the serial killer hills, have lost so much weight that now you’re cougar bait (mountain lions go for people under 150 lbs), or just need to check out your form before continuing, your phone can be an indispensable part of your fitness routine.
Mobile phones improve the security of lone workers and have had the same effects on people who exercise alone. Running alone and fall down a cavern, breaking both of your legs? It’s all cool fam.
You have your phone on you. Call for help. What about when you are at the gym and can’t remember how exactly your form is supposed to after staring at your body in the mirror for the past thirty minutes? Look it up on the mobile information source in your DIY tube sock holder! Your phone can help you stay safe during a 2 a.m. run, keep your form, and freaking out a cougar with weird crazy noises they’ve never heard before, like Beyonce, will help you survive.
Phones are great. You carry them everywhere. It’s your notepad, your tracking system, your alarms, your contact system with the outside world, and an machine you can stare at when bored. Integrate the biggest technology in your life into your fitness goals. Listen to music, use apps to help you, and stay safe while keeping up with your fitness goals!