Best Way To Make Instagram Stories in 2020

Instagram Stories in 2020

If you are looking for tips and tricks to make your Instagram stories stand out, you have come to the right place, keep on reading for Instagram stories in 2020. In this blog, you will know about Best Way To Make Instagram Stories in 2020.

A lot of businesses and organizations use specific tips and tricks to make their stories unique. With these hacks, you can make your Instagram stories in 2020 different, unique and aesthetic. If you need to boost engagement you can buy likes here it is really cheap and affordable.

  1. Copy-Paste Pictures From Your Camera Roll

We are all well aware of posting multiple images on our Instagram feed at a single time but have you ever wanted to find a specific gif for your story or wanted to put various pictures on your story at a time. We have a smooth and straightforward solution for this, copy the images to your Gboard app and paste them on your story directly. This not only allows you to paste as many pictures as you want but also search and find the appropriate gifs you’re looking for from your Gboard app. 

  1. Adding More Colours in Your Story

Finding the right colour and tone that go along with your story is easy with this hidden Instagram hack. Open the brush tool and hold it for some time, you will see default colours on the bottom of your screen. Choose the right colour for your post, and you’re good to go.

  1. Glow Effect

Give your emojis an extra glow effect and make them more appealing by using the glow effect. To get a hold of this trick, open your Instagram story, tapping your screen, select the neon font and then choose an emoji to post; your emoji chosen will not have a glow effect.

  1. Create Your Own Gifs

Have you ever been in of those moods where you are feeling a certain way but can’t find the right gif to match your thoughts? You can create your own gifs for your Instagram stories by using several apps such as ImpgPlay. The best thing about these apps is that it lets you take out little portions out of your videos to make gifs. Once you have made a gif out of your own videos or multiple pictures, share that on your Instagram story to show off your talent and making your Instagram stories interesting for all your viewers.

  1. Use of Hashtags

Using hashtags in your stories allows people to find you more efficiently; however, you might not want your hashtags to show on your stories, and we have a simple and easy solution for that. Find the appropriate hashtags that are relevant to your post and choose as many as you like, pinch them and reduce them to the smallest size and then cover them all with putting a sticker over the hashtags. You can easily buy real Instagram likes cheap from Internet Marketing Rocks, they provide likes using hashtags.

  1. Make Boomerangs Out Of Live Pictures

This is one of Instagram’s hacks that is not very known to a lot of people. To use this hack in your Instagram story, swipe up and choose a live picture from your camera roll. After selecting the image, press on the image for a few seconds and you will see the word ‘boomerang’ appear on your screen, and there you go; you have created a boomerang out of your live pictures.