CBD oil is the drug of choice for safe and effective pain management in the treatment of arthritis

CBD oil is the drug of choice for safe and effective pain management in the treatment of arthritis

People suffering from arthritis that has no known cure in traditional medicines turn to alternative herbal treatment, mostly based on medical marijuana or CBD.  In addition to the relief and remedy that it provides, that herbal treatment does not have harmful side effects is a great attraction. To get an idea of how significant the arthritis-affected population is, you should know that every year around three million people add to the list of people who have some kind of arthritis. If you look around, you would surely find some people affected by arthritis.  Most people experience the disease at some stage in their lives. However, managing arthritis or similar conditions are not very easy because traditional medical treatments have been limited in its ability to control pain.

The natural remedy for keeping arthritis under control is the best option because these are long-term treatment and can have serious side effects with traditional medicines. Arthritis is a lifestyle-related disease, and besides the therapy, it requires changes in lifestyle and habits. Cannabidiol oil or CBD derived from hemp or cannabis plant and marketed, as medical marijuana is not only safe for use in managing arthritis but is 100 percent legal across all states in the USA.  CBD products are available online, and you can get it delivered at your doorstep by ordering at cbdoilroom.com.  Although cannabidiol has its roots in cannabis, it does not contain THC, a compound that is responsible for causing ‘high’ by changing the mental order for deriving maximum pleasure. The official page where they post cannabidiol oil reviews is http://www.cbdoilcanadahq.ca/. This is the reason for making CBD legal for private use as well as medicinal use.

Researches show the abilities of CBD

CBD oil has shown much promise in the treatment of arthritis especially rheumatoid arthritis that not only causes immense pain but can also render people immobile, as they have to stay confined to the bed. As you keep reading this article, you could gather knowledge about the recent studies on the effects of CBD oil on arthritis and would come to know how to use it.

In 2006, the first controlled trial took place in the US to evaluate the use of CBD and other cannabis-based products for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The study carried over a period of five weeks used cannabis-based medication rich in CBD, and it showed that there was a significant reduction in inflammation and pain. CBD, well known for its anti-inflammatory properties has worked well to bring down swelling and alleviate pain.  Although there were side effects, it was all very mild and not at all harmful. Most importantly, the participants in the study confirmed that they experienced improved sleep

Two years later, a similar study carried out on people suffering from general chronic pain established that CBD had not only significantly provided relief from pain but also ensured better sleep. A study carried out in 2016 on rats by applying CBD gel on them, showed similar pain reduction in the joints as well as a reduction in inflammation.

Causes of arthritis

Lifestyle and aging are the most prominent causes of arthritis that usually shows up in different parts of the body accompanied by inflammation. Deficiencies in the immune system or any compromise that happens to it could result in arthritis.  The immune system when affected by some disease or injury causes inflammation, which is the body’s natural response to it.  Arthritis can also happen when there are some metabolic issues in the body. The body metabolism helps to break down uric acid which if not done correctly due to some problems in metabolism could result in uric acid build up in the body that causes joint pain and pain in any other parts of the musculoskeletal system. Some type of bacteria is also responsible for causing arthritis. Hepatitis C, salmonella and Chlamydia are bacteria that are responsible for infecting joints that lead to arthritis.

The natural cure of CBD

CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system and provides a positive response to arthritis in reducing inflammation, discomfort, and pain. The action of CBD on the body happens in a very controlled manner that gradually drives away the pain. However, you have to keep continuing to use cannabis or CBD to make the effects long lasting because studies have shown that the action of CBD diminishes with time. CBD is so effective in reducing inflammation that it finds extensive use in the medical field for curing various inflammation-related conditions. This is the reason why CBD is also highly effective in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

How CBD works

CBD oil affects the brain activity, but it does so in a very positive manner unlike THC, the chief psychoactive agent that alters the state of mind and causes ‘high’.  CBD does not contain any mind-altering psychoactive agents but stimulates the brain cells to make it more useful for resisting diseases. To mitigate pain and inflammation, CBD interacts with the primary receptors of the brain CB1 and CB 2. The interaction of CBD with CB2 helps to counter the effects of rheumatoid arthritis that attacks the tissues of the joints. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD help to slow down the progress of rheumatoid arthritis and even wholly bring it to a halt. This helps to avoid any permanent damage to the joints that could happen if the disease could progress.

The modality of using CBD

CBD oil is available in the form of capsules as well as liquid. While you can swallow the capsule-like any other medicines, for using the oil you can mix it with some lotion and apply it at the affected joints for pain relief. Therapeutic salves are also available for applying on the skin directly. However, it is best to consult your doctor to determine the appropriate dosage and the mode of application.

There is little doubt that CBD is a pain inhibitor and can be useful for the treatment of arthritis but more studies and trials on humans are necessary to establish the facts with convincing results.