Choosing Live-In Rehabilitation

Choosing Live-In Rehabilitation

You finally have admitted to yourself that you need help with your addiction. Maybe you wound up in the hospital and woke up due to Naloxone life saving medication. Perhaps, you lost your job or your home due to your habit. Maybe you were lucky, and your family and friends stepped up and let you know you need help before anything dangerous happened. Now you have to make a decision about how to begin your sobriety. Here are some reasons to choose a live-in situation.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms are well known because most of us have had someone who experienced them at some point. The delirium tremens are physical symptoms that appear when you badly need alcohol or other medications. These symptoms can progress into seizures and life-endangering problems. Live-in treatment allows you to be assisted with these symptoms before they occur. Even the desire you feel to use drugs as part of your withdrawal symptoms. It takes time to build up successful responses to prevent yourself from returning to drugs. A live-in short term drug rehab program allows you to try out various new habits to break your old one.

Rehab Length

Each person has a different rehab time table. Doing a live-in program will allow you to leave the program when you are really ready to return to normal life. Not everyone needs 30 days; some need 60 or 90 days. The point of short term drug rehab is to not repeat the process. A live-in situation is the best way to tell how ready you are to try out living on the outside. It is easy to stay longer with people you already know until you are fully recovered.

Professional Plan for Recovery

Persons who complete live-in rehab leave the facility with a plan. This plan often includes meeting with recovery groups, resources to call to keep you on the right track, assistance to find housing and employment, and help to obtain available medical and financial benefits. It’s hard to do all this on your own when you are recovering.

Daily Contact with Knowledgeable Professionals

It is very hard to diagnose yourself. While in a live-in rehab, each day you will be assessed and examined by medical professionals. This allows your recovery treatment to be changed if needed before you seek your addiction as a relief. This might make a difference in your successful recovery.

Group Support

Short term drug rehab can assist you to realize others are having the same problems you are. This can allow you to move on with getting better, and it helps with forgiving yourself for getting addicted in the first place. You will also experience socializing with others again. Often, addicts don’t interact very much with other people except other addicts.

Strength to Eliminate Actions and People That Caused Addiction

Providing yourself with in-house support allows you some distance to look at your life. Often to stay sober, you may need to choose to end relationships and stop going to some places. It is easier to see these things as a problem when you are not immersed back in your normal situation.

Build family Support

Another benefit of live-in situations is the ability to have professionals train your family or friends to support you when you return home. Those people who live with you and value you are extremely important to your success. They need to know the right way to keep you on your new path. This may include having Naloxone life-saving medication at home in case of an emergency.

Successful Outcome

Addiction therapy is one medical treatment you want to be successful. You don’t want to put your life at risk anymore. This is not the time to scrimp on treatment or to pretend that you can do this alone. You can’t. If live-in treatment is suggested by your doctors, take advantage of it. Besides saving your own life, you will help those who love you by showing you are serious about getting better.

All in all, for many addicts a live-in situation will help you the best to recover. Recovery is a difficult path to walk, and it helps to walk it with as much support as you can find. A good live-in short term drug rehab program will help ensure that you don’t repeat your past mistakes.