Common Types of Lawyers and What they Do

Common Types of Lawyers and What they Do

When most people think of lawyers, they may think of criminal defense lawyers, since these types of attorneys are commonly portrayed in popular media. But the reality is that there are tons of different types of law practices, each specializing in a different kind of law. Here are a few of the most common types of law practices.

Family Law

Family lawyers help clients dealing with things like divorce, child custody modifications, adoptions, and other family related events. Amber James, a child support lawyer in Huntsville AL explains that family lawyers are there to support clients as they go through sometimes stressful family events, offering them sound legal advice, so that they can fairly process issues such as child support.

Personal Injury Law

Personal injury lawyers take on medical malpractice cases, workplace injury cases, car accident claims, and any other case where a client was harmed due to someone else’s negligence. Personal injury lawyers may also represent veterans who are filing appeals to VA claims. John Berry, a PTSD veterans disability lawyer explains that disabled veterans and veterans dealing with PTSD often come to his firm for help after their claims are denied by the VA, and they are left with no where else to turn for disability support.

Traffic Law

Traffic lawyers represent clients who find themselves in legal trouble due to traffic violations.

Harvey Morris, a Huntsville uninsured driver lawyer, explains that while traffic court cases are normally minor, people often come to him because he can help negotiate alternative consequences if a driver is about to lose their license or be sentenced to jail time.

Estate Planning Law

Estate planning lawyers help people plan out their wills and estate distributions. David Teddy, a will and estate lawyer in Shelby NC explains that clients come to him to plan out their will and estate issues in advance, so that they can have the peace of mind of knowing their family will be taken care of if something happens to them.

Criminal Defense Law

Criminal defense lawyers take on everything from murder and rape cases, to car theft and DUI cases. Criminal defense lawyers fight to get a reduced sentence or punishment for their clients, and in smaller cases, such as DUI cases, they may even get a case thrown out altogether.

Tax Law

Tax lawyers can be consulted by businesses and individuals who are not sure how to comply with federal laws when filing tax returns. Many tax law attorneys take on cases where they defend people against IRS audits, saving these individuals from fines or even potential jail time.

These are a few of the most common types of lawyers and what they specialize in. There are many other more specialized areas of law, so if you need to find a lawyer, make sure you’re getting someone with plenty of experience in the area your case is in.