“Do I Need a Will?” 5 Reasons Why the Answer is Probably Yes

"Do I Need a Will?" 5 Reasons Why the Answer is Probably Yes

Are you asking yourself: do I need a will? Then chances are, you probably do.

Having a will in place is always a good idea, especially if you have a business you want taken care of after your death. Here are 5 reasons why you absolutely should have a will written up.

1. Take Care of Your Pets

In the unfortunate event that you pass away, you need to consider what will happen to your pets. Without a will, there’s a good chance your beloved dog might end up in the shelter. But if you have one, you can designate a specific party who will be responsible for your pets after you are gone.

2. Help Your Parents

If you pass on before your parents do, it could cause a lot of problems for your parents. If they’re receiving government benefits, leaving them a lot of money could jeopardize their payments. This is because their newly boosted income could cause them to be disqualified from certain benefits.

To make sure this doesn’t happen, you should consider working with a lawyer who can help you to write the perfect will.

3. Avoid Bitter Disputes

When someone dies without properly leaving a will, it can cause bitter disputes within a family; this can tear a family apart. Without a proper will, people are left to guess what your intentions would’ve been, especially when large sums of money are involved. This can cause some intense arguments that can sometimes be drawn out for years.

The only way to ensure this never happens is to have a will properly prepared. Take a look at https://hardestylawoffice.com to get an idea of the services an estate lawyer can help you with. They can make sure you have all of your affairs in order in the event of your passing.

4. You Choose Who the Money Goes To

When you write a will, you assume control of who will get your assets and when they will get it. There might be certain individuals within your family who can’t be trusted to get a large amount of money at once. They could be too young or have a drug or gambling problem.

In these kinds of situations, you can use a will to ensure the right people get the money at the right time.

5. Anything Can Happen

Some of the worst estate disputes come about when someone dies out of the blue. Anything can happen in life, and you never know when it’s going to be your time.

If you have a positive net worth, you should always have a will in place, no matter how old or how healthy you are. Estate disputes can cause irreparable damage in relationships; don’t let it happen to your family.

Do I Need a Will? Yes!

There are very few circumstances where you shouldn’t have a will in place. Spending the time to put together a proper will now save your family from years of heartache and legal issues.

Your family will have enough to deal with in the event of your passing; don’t add asset disputes into the mix. Stop asking yourself “do I need a will?” and take action!

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