Getting pregnant is supposed to be a joyous and special time in your life, filled with celebration and love. While that is exactly the case for many couples out there, others aren’t on such a smooth path. Statistics show that about one in every seven couples in the UK have problems conceiving, which works out to about 3.5 million people who are faced with the reality that conception isn’t going to be a simple process.
There are actually two different types of infertility: secondary infertility when the woman has had one or more pregnancies in the past but is now having issues conceiving; and primary infertility when the woman has never conceived. No matter which group you fall into, it can be an extremely stressful, sad, depressing, and hard health issue to work through.
So, how do you know if advanced fertility treatment is right for you? Your doctor will obviously be able to advise you best, but here is some information that can also prove to be useful as you work to find the best treatment plan.
When to See a Fertility Specialist?
The first question that couples are faced with is when to even see a fertility specialist. When do their “issues” warrant a trip to the specialist?
There are some common reasons such as having a history of three or more miscarriages, if the woman hasn’t been able to conceive after one year of trying and she is under the age of 35, if there are any health risk factors that may affect fertility, the woman’s ovulation schedule is irregular, or the woman has scarring or blocked fallopian tubes, or has had treatment for endometriosis.
This is just a small handful of the signs; there are other reasons that can push someone to see a fertility specialist as well.
What Kind of Fertility Treatments Are There?
There are also a number of different fertility treatments available which will help you to pick the one that is best for your specific situation. Some of the more common treatments include fertility drugs that are meant to trigger the release of eggs during the woman’s ovulation cycle, intrauterine insemination, surgery if there are genetic defects or other treatable issues, and in vitro fertilization (IVF).
IVF Has Come a Long Way
One of the most well-known fertility treatments is IVF. The treatment has come a long way since the first “test-tube baby” was born in 1978 in Oldham, England. It was a birth that caused a lot of stir around the world and has since gone on to spark a huge amount of children being born thanks to IVF.
Today, you will find fertility treatment centres that can feel more like a spa, helping the couple to relax and feel more confident in the procedure. An example is Vejthani Hospital, which offers infertility treatment in Bangkok and features all the most advanced technologies out there today. The staff are known for helping couples, not just with the physical aspects of the treatment but the emotional difficulties as well.
Don’t Hesitate to Speak to Your Doctor
For those couples who are having trouble conceiving and are wondering if it’s “normal” or not, it’s always best to talk to your doctor fairly early on so tests can be done, and answers can be found.