Irregular eating and sleeping habits, stress, lack in intake of water and fiber-rich foods can cause constipation and irregular bowel movements. Constipation is becoming a menace among the millennial youth due to their erratic lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Less than three incidents of passing stool in a week is defined as constipation, however, a sufferer of constipation generally tends to ignore the symptoms until it becomes a recurring menace.
Top 10 easy remedies for constipation
Constipation can lead to multiple problems like gas, bloating and stomach cramps. Here are some simple home remedies that can help you fight constipation:
- Drink more water
Drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water daily. Keeping your body hydrated prevents stool from hardening. In case of constipation try drinking carbonated water. This will rehydrate your body and make passing stool through the intestines smoother. Sparkling water is a better alternative than plain tap water. Avoid sugary and aerated drinks like soda., they can worsen the condition. Dehydration causes constipation, so in summer increase your water intake.
- Fiber-rich food
Increasing natural source of fiber is perhaps the first step in treating constipation. Fiber helps by increasing the frequency of bowel movements. However, it doesn’t cure the associated problems like gas, bloating and cramps. Insoluble fibers, whole grains, dry fruits, nuts, and leafy vegetables are a big source of natural dietary fibers which helps in clearing the bowel. They help the stool to pass faster by adding bulk to it. Oat bran, barley, lentils, and seeds are a source of rich dietary fibers. There are alternative options in consuming fiber supplements as well, which acts faster and gives faster relief.
Kiwi fruits are filled with natural fibers and assist indigestions. It acts as a natural laxative and helps in clearing the bowel timely. Dry prunes are also a good source of natural fibers. It helps the food to keep moving through the system and facilitates timely bowel clearance.
- Daily exercise
A routine exercise, consisting of different types of activities, help reduce constipation. Movements and muscular stretches help in overall flexibility and reduce the chances of getting constipation. However, to ensure that constipation doesn’t reoccur it is important to change the mode of exercise and the types of activity frequently. The exercises should be challenging so that the body doesn’t get complacent. Even a daily evening walk can help you to pass stool timely.
- Caffeine drinks
Coffee and caffeinated drinks create an urge to pass stool. It stimulates our digestive muscles and facilitates stool to be passed smoothly. Coffee is also claimed to be a more effective solution than a hearty meal. It is considered to work 23% more effectively than a decaffeinated hot drink. Coffee contains soluble fibers which improve the balance of gut bacteria and prevent constipation.
- Senna leaves are
The herbal Senna leaves are a natural constipation reliever. Senna leaves are a common treatment for constipation in India. It is easily available in chemist shops and on online websites. It is used both for oral and rectal consumption. Senna leaves contain glycosides. It naturally stimulates the nerves in the gut and fastens bowel movement. However, Senna leaves are proven to be habit forming. It is safe to be used by adults but shouldn’t be consumed regularly.
- Probiotic foods and supplements
Probiotics food aids to prevent constipation. People suffering from acute constipation often face an imbalance of good bacteria in their gut. The probiotic foods improve and restore the balance of good bacteria, removes bad bacteria, flushes the system out of toxins and prevent constipation.
Probiotics also produce lactic acid, which improves the gut health and short-chain fatty acids which makes passing stool easier. Probiotic foods like yogurts and supplements like Yakult are found all over the world and can be consumed on the go. They are convenient and easier to use.
- Castor Oil
Castor Oil is one of the most effective constipation relievers. It is not the easiest solution to consume, however, it is proven to be the most effective of them all. Castor Oil not only helps in clearing the intestine out of stool by smoothening the passage. It also rejuvenates the intestine, thereby curing the track from within. The best time to consume Castor Oil is before going to bed. Two spoons of castor oil are proven to relieve you of all your constipation worries overnight.
- Mint, ginger and dandelion tea
Mint or rather a peppermint, which contains menthol, has an antispasmodic effect on the digestive muscles. It helps in clearing the bowels by relaxing the digestive tracts. Ginger is considered a warm herb, that generates enough heat inside the body and speeds up the digestion process. Dandelion tea has gained popularity as a laxative and a body detoxifier. It stimulates digestion and provides relief by making the process of excretion smoother.
- Hot water with lemon and cinnamon
Hot water with lemon and cinnamon acts as a turbocharger for our digestive system! It helps in cleansing the body by flushing out toxins and impurities and provide fast relief from constipation. Soak cinnamon overnight and boil the water. Add two spoons of fresh lemon juice. It acts as a morning tonic, which not only cleanses and purifies your body from within but also relieves you from constipation by improving your digestion.
- Psyllium Husk
Psyllium husk is another source of fiber. It is easily available at all leading stores chemists. It acts as roughage and increases the bulk, thereby growing the load in the stool and pushing it down the intestines. The husk is generally taken before going to sleep. Consume 2 to 3 tablespoons of husk and mix it with light warm water to form the right consistency. Drink and let it work overnight.
Final thoughts
Every body type is different and requires different treatments for their problems. In case the condition persists, it is always recommended to consult a practicing physician for proper treatment.