Essential Tips for Type 2 Diabetes Self-Care

We all yearn for a stress-free life, which we may accomplish through financial independence or leading a balanced lifestyle with work stress. But at the center of our aspirations, there is one important element—your health. If you are healthy, you can be a superhero in every aspect of your life, especially when you manage your diabetes like a pro. This blog shares with you some essential self-care tips for diabetes to manage your Type 2 Diabetes effectively. You can also look out for a diabetes care program to manage the condition well.

Tip #1: Managing Stress 

Are you stressed juggling work, family and personal responsibilities? Well, that’s pretty common for most of us. In fact, it is normal also to have some amount of stress. But constant stress, which breaks your peace of mind almost at every moment, can have a serious effect on blood sugar levels.

Mindfulness can be practiced through meditation and deep breathing to keep you calm and reduce stress. Involve yourself in some physical activity, maybe going for a short walk just to divert your mind. Share feelings with friends, family, or a support group for emotional support. These may include painting or gardening, for example, hobbies that keep your mind off stress. Do not give up! 😊

Tip #2: Prioritize Quality Sleep 

Some of us love to stay up late watching movies or binge-watching Netflix after a long, busy day. While it feels relaxing, sacrificing your sleep can be harmful. Lack of sleep leaves you tired, and over time, it affects your health, especially if you have diabetes.

Go to bed and get up at a similar time each day to maintain your body’s inner clock. Make sure that your bedroom is dark, cool, and quiet. Ensure that your bed or mattress is comfortable. Avoid screens at least one hour before going to bed as the blue light can negatively affect your sleep. 

Tip #3: Make the Right Food Choices 

Make healthy food choices and check portion sizes by using smaller plates and measuring your food. Pick a small bowl of dal, not a big one, or two rotis, not three. Eat slowly, and chew each mouthful well; don’t watch TV or mobiles while eating. Then the food will be savored, and the amount will be in accordance with the satisfaction of hunger pangs. Fill yourself up with high-fiber options. Avoid sweetened drinks or snacks to prevent blood sugar levels from spiking.

Tip #4: Blood Sugar Monitoring and Regular Checkups 

Most people who do not have diabetes tend to feel tired all the time and attribute this to just having a busy schedule. However, when they get diagnosed, they realize that it is because of diabetes. Therefore, self-monitoring of blood sugar is one of the VERY IMPORTANT self-care tips that one should take to manage diabetes properly. Regular checkups and monitoring of your blood sugar levels will keep you on track and prepared to adjust your lifestyle and treatment plan if necessary:

Tip #5: Exercise Regularly 

It’s hard for most of us to get out of bed and hit the gym. And while at it, somebody reminds us that physical activity is very important in managing diabetes, and we are quick to throw in an excuse: “I don’t have time in the morning!” For crying out loud, who said that one should only work out or exercise in the morning? You can do exercises any part of the day, anywhere, and you can do anything basic. It could be something as simple as walking through the hallway of your house with 2-liter bottles as dumbbells, or turning on some fast music and dancing!