Three Ways to Combat Anxiety with or without Medication

Three Ways to Combat Anxiety with or without Medication

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Suffering with anxiety can have a massive impact on your life. Anxiety can be much more than simply worrying about things; it can get in the way of your work, studies, relationships, and even mess up your day to day routine. Living with anxiety can be difficult, but the good news is that the condition is becoming more and more acknowledged and understood around the world. If you’re suffering with anxiety, there are several healthy alternatives to prescribed medication that you may want to try in order to better manage your condition. Maybe you’re finding that prescribed medication isn’t working well for you at the moment, or you want to try something else alongside this to boost your recovery chances. We’ve put together some of the best alternative methods of dealing with anxiety.

#1. Dietary Supplements:

Improving your diet can certainly have a positive effect on anxiety and stress. Alongside making the effort to eat a healthier and more balanced diet, you may also benefit from taking dietary supplements. Sleep support supplements are designed to help you improve your sleeping habits, whilst having a positive effect on your stress and anxiety levels. This supplement contains a range of ingredients that can help to regulate your sleep-wake cycle, which in turn has a direct effect on stress and anxiety levels. This includes 5-HTP to support the production of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter when it comes to mental health and well-being. If you are taking medication for anxiety, please speak to your doctor before taking any supplements.

#2. Exercise:

Getting some exercise might be the last thing on your mind when you’re feeling anxious but improving the amount of physical activity that you do on a day-to-day basis can make a huge difference to your anxiety levels overall. Yoga is a particularly good choice for people suffering with anxiety since it promotes deep, controlled breathing which will help to reduce your heart rate and promote feelings of calm and control. Even light exercise, such as walking your dog or cycling in the countryside, will release ‘feel-good’ hormones and help you feel happier overall, which can have a huge effect on your stress levels and help to keep anxious feelings at bay.

#3. Seek Support:

For many people with anxiety, seeking support is a massive part of recovering. Whether or not you are currently taking any prescription medications for anxiety, having a good support network around you can make all the difference that you need. It’s certainly worth seeking support in the form of a trained therapist, who can help you understand your thought patterns and gain a better knowledge of why you feel the way that you do. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is based on getting to the root cause of your anxiety issues and coming up with healthier methods of dealing with them that leave you firmly in control.

Dealing with anxiety can be a struggle, but you don’t have to do it on your own. Getting the right support and taking steps to improve your lifestyle can help you regain control once again.