4 Tips for Getting Fit in 2019

4 Tips for Getting Fit in 2019

New Year’s Day may seem like a distant, hazy memory by now (depending on how much fun you had on New Year’s Eve!) but the resolutions you made should be anything but. In order to stick to your fitness resolutions for 2019, it is important to always remain clear with your expectations, and dedicated to the outcome.

Having said that, motivation can be a fickle thing. One day, you might be enthusiastic about your personal fitness goals, and the next you just want to curl on the couch and eat ice cream. Staying motivated is all about removing deterrents – getting rid of any pain, fatigue or disappointment that might get in the way of you achieving your goals.

Here are four tips to help you stay the course, and get fit in 2019:

Get the Right Gear

Without the right gear, exercise can be uncomfortable, and sometimes even painful. First and foremost, it is important to find the right running shoes for your feet, ones that support your arches properly and secure your foot. Without proper footwear, you run the risk of pain and injury, both of which are major deterrents on your path to getting fit. Toss away that ratty old pair, and click here to learn more about chiropodist-approved running footwear.

Buddy Up for Best Results

Exercising with a friend means that you remain accountable to someone other than yourself. And vice versa. It is a great way to stay motivated, stay on track and have some fun while you are at it. Ultimately, getting fit should not be torture; exercising with a friend is a great way to remind yourself of that, and to incorporate a social aspect into your fitness regimen.

Keep Your Goals Reasonable

One of the biggest motivational deterrents people come up against is the disappointment. If you tell yourself that by the end of the month you will have six-pack abs, or that you will lose 30 pounds, you are bound to be disappointed. Humans thrive on a sense of accomplishment; to that end, set small, realistic goals that you can track along the way. It is much better for motivation to succeed at small goals than to fail at a big one.

Understand that Diet Is Part of the Equation

Too many people erroneously believe that, as long as they are active, their diet is inconsequential. As much as we may wish that were the case, the truth is that diet is still a large component of staying fit. This isn’t to say you need to be on a fad diet. But from a simple numbers perspective, ensuring that you do not exceed your daily-recommended number of calories – which you can calculate here – is key to maintaining a consistent weight, and any calories you burn will be represented in weight loss.

With the right shoes, the right friend, the right expectations and the right diet, staying fit in 2019 should be a cinch. Even if you have failed in previous years, following these tips should set you right on the path to success.