Exercise Safety 101: 5 Workout Mistakes You Should Know and Avoid

Exercise Safety 101: 5 Workout Mistakes You Should Know and Avoid

Almost 460,000 exercise-related injuries occur every year in the US.

Of course, regular exercise is crucial to living a fit and healthy life.

Clearly, though, it can also lead to physical harm. Unfortunately, many people fail to make exercise safety a priority. They make simple mistakes that increase the chance of getting injured.

Looking to get fitter and stronger without the risk of injury?

Keep reading to discover 5 top workout mistakes to avoid.

1. Failing to Warm Up

Warm-ups are a central part of avoiding injury.

It’s about easing into the workout to come. The aim is to get the muscles working, the blood moving and your heart rate pumping. Jumping straight into intense activity is a recipe for disaster.

Imagine jumping straight off the sofa and into a 100-meter sprint. Your body isn’t ready for it. The muscles are tight. You’re almost guaranteed to pull, strain, or tweak something- at the bare minimum! Always warm up properly before a workout.

2. Overtraining

Don’t mistake overtraining for working hard.

It’s crucial to know the difference. Working hard is about pushing yourself and going beyond what’s comfortable. That’s how progress happens. Failing to accept mediocrity leads to the gains you’re after.

Overtraining takes it a step too far. It’s doing the extra rep when you’re already at failure. It’s running the extra 5km when your knees are already inflamed. It’s swimming for the 7th consecutive day without a rest.

Everyone’s limits are different. But everyone’s body is the same. Overusing it, with insufficient rest and care, will inevitably lead to injury.

3. Sacrificing Form

Love the gym?

Good. Everyone stands to gain by hitting the weights.

However, the risk of injury is high when you operate with incorrect form. There’s no limit to the damage you can do overtime if you’re doing exercises incorrectly. A decade of poor squatting will take an enormous toll. Sports physical therapy may be called for to recover from the damage.

Even pushing for an extra rep when you can’t maintain the form can be dangerous. Always know how to do the movement. Always stick to safe practice. Never sacrifice form.

4. Not Drinking Enough Water

Dehydration does untold damage too.

It’s vital to drink enough fluid when you’re exercising. This is particularly true on hot and humid weather days. Getting overheated, or feeling faint and nauseous are warning signs. Likewise, be wary of headaches and cramps.

These can all indicate that you’re in need of fluid. Drink enough water. Exercise at cooler times of the day. Drink fluid with added electrolytes too.

5. Excessive Exercise after a Break

Almost everyone goes through lulls in their exercise routine.

Heck, that’s especially true after an injury!

However, a lack of motivation, changing life circumstances, and personal setbacks can all play a role as well. Getting back into exercise after a break can feel great. But it’s tempting to rush back into it with all guns blazing.

You fail to realize just how quickly fitness and strength levels drop. You can’t expect to exercise at the same level as before. Try, and you risk getting an injury. Ease back into the process. Take it slow to begin and work slowly back up to your prior level.

Final Thoughts on Exercise Safety

There you have it: 5 top workout mistakes to help you put exercise safety precautions in place.

Exercise-related injuries are hugely common. Thankfully, avoiding common mistakes can reduce the likelihood of suffering one. Hopefully, this post will help you in that endeavor.

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