Four Tips for Men for Wearing the Proper Gym Clothing

Four Tips for Men for Wearing the Proper Gym Clothing

We’ve all seen our share of funny people dressed up in the gym: from the guy with bear-hair crawling out the back of his shirt to the ultra-serious lifter wearing three layers of hoodies to break a sweat and cover up the the results.

Today, I don’t want you to be that guy. Understanding that the number one reason for vacating the gym is to get a good workout and achieve results over time, there are still trends in the world of fashion that need to be observed.

These rules not only cover your fashion credibility, but they also save others from having to suffer through looking at you in your grossest hour while working out at the gym. Follow the rules and thank me later:

1.Choose workout clothing that fits your body type

You don’t need to try to be something you are not: and wearing clothing that is either far too loose fitting or too slim fitting may not only make you look out of place, but it may also lower your functionality in the gym as well. For example, a 4XL baggy shirt and shorts when you are a size large maybe hamper your ability to adhere to range of movement and may also get you stuck on the lateral shoulder press. By content, a spandex suit may limit your mobility when trying to do free-form ladder pulls on the smith machine. Be smart about fit!

2.Don’t wear jewelry in the gym

Believe it or not, that gold chain hanging down your neck may make you think you look cool on the street, but in the gym, your likely to find it quite dangerous. The last thing anyone wants is for you to be choking yourself out on the bench press when you are trying to put up 315 pounds of weight! Although (sometimes) fashionable and blingy, jewelry has absolutely no place in the gym and should be left at home!

3.No cologne or perfume in the gym

You may find this shocking: but no one wants to smell the after-trail of your Tommy Boy fragrance as you walk past the long line-up of treadmills in the gym. In fact, your cologne may actually accentuate the smell of your bodily odor and sweat as it only masks the smell and doesn’t actually rid of it. Do everyone a favor and resolve from amplifying your lofty smells while you workout; you aren’t there to start a social club and no one else is certainly there to judge you by your god-life aroma. Keep clean but keep it simple.

4.Wear clothes that do not absorb moisture

Cotton shirts and shorts in the gym are a thing of the past; yet, there are still some offenders out there who refuse to make the change to moisture-wicking clothing types of men’s activewear even though it leaves you cooler and less like you stepped under a waterfall than all-cotton clothing. In addition, after you get off of a weight machine, you are less likely to have to wipe up puddles of sweat as spandex and polyester blend clothing encourage more moisture to evaporate into the air as opposed to stay on your clothing and you as well. Avoid the cotton and make the switch.

Those were my four tips for men to wear the proper clothing to the gym. Have your own horror stories or tips and tricks to share in regard to proper attire for the gym? Share below and let’s get the conversation started…and remember, Don’t Be THAT Guy! 🙂