Get Naturally Smooth and Happy Hair: Five Easy DIY Leave in Conditioners

Get Naturally Smooth and Happy Hair: Five Easy DIY Leave in Conditioners

Image source: DepositPhotos

Everyone wants smooth and lustrous tresses and most of us spend a lot of time and money maintaining our manes only to wake up and have a bad hair day. Let that be a thing of the past by liberating your locks (and your wallet!) with these 5 easy to make and use natural leave in conditioners. If you are a DIY beginner remember that this is meant to be fun, maybe have a girls’ night and make it with friends. Come on, let your hair down and get smooth healthy hair. Let’s Get Started:

Milk and Honey

A warm DIY leave in conditioner good for all hair types and long-term use, this recipe utilizes the healing power of honey and the scalp-invigorating power of cinnamon to leave hair luscious.

Ingredients & Supplies:

Two glass bowls (one small to fit into larger)
shower cap
Four tablespoons milk
Two tablespoons honey
Two tablespoons cinnamon
¼ cup mayonnaise
Two eggs

Preparation and Use:

In a glass bowl, crack your eggs and add the mayonnaise and the milk. Mix together until eggs are incorporated. Then add in honey and cinnamon. Heat the conditioner until mildly warm in a hot water bath by putting the smaller bowl into the larger bowl which you fill with hot water. Wash your hair and then wring out the excess water until semi-dry for better moisture retention. Pour the natural leave in conditioner and smooth over full length of hair then secure in a shower cap. Leave on for about half an hour and wash your hair with baby shampoo.


Avocados are a super food for our hair so if you have an extra avocado left over from Taco Tuesday put it to a new use and give your hair vitamins and strength.

Ingredients & Supplies:

A glass bowl
Half an avocado
Three drops of peppermint essential oil

Preparation and Use:

Peel and mash your avocado like you are making guacamole, adding the drops of essential oil as you go. Slather up your locks and relax for a half an hour and then rinse.

Apple Cider Vinegar

For those of us who use styling products or straighteners, this tart-smelling conditioner helps to strip your hair of chemical gunk buildup leaving it smooth and refreshed.

Ingredients & Supplies:

16 ounces glass container with lid
15 ounces water
Two tablespoons apple cider

Preparation and Use:

Vigorously shake the apple cider vinegar and water together so that it intersperses and pour over your hair. Avoid your eyes and mouth. You may leave it in or rinse it out. Use this conditioner after hair-raising events like weddings and proms when your hair has been over processed.

Olive Oil and Banana

This conditioner will leave your hair incredibly soft and smooth. The combination of honey, olive oil and the banana create a deeply nourishing conditioner.

Ingredients & Supplies:

A blender
A shower cap
Two tablespoons olive oil
Two tablespoons natural honey
One ripe banana

Preparation and Use:

Add all ingredients to blender, and pulse until it is the consistency of a smoothie. Apply the conditioner to clean hair and put on the shower cap. After a half an hour has passed rinse the conditioner out. For smoothest hair use this leave-in conditioner once a week or so.

Coconut Oil

Using coconut oil is like giving your hair a luxurious trip to the day spa. This leave in conditioner will do best for your hair if you give it an hour or two. This will give the fatty acids maximum time for the coconut oil to strengthen, grow, and smooth your hair.

Ingredients & Supplies:

Small bowl and larger bowl for hot water bath
Shower cap
Coconut oil

Preparation and Use:

Create a hot water bath by placing the desired amount of coconut oil into the smaller bowl and filling the larger bowl with hot water. Place the smaller bowl into the larger one. Once the oil is warm place the conditioner on your hair and put on the shower cap. Use the next hour or two to pamper yourself, and then wash hair. This conditioner will leave your hair smooth, detangled and shiny.

Love Your Hair Naturally

These conditioners give you the smooth hair you want all while using ingredients that are easy to find and purchase. There are many more DIY leave in conditioners you can make yourself. Try these conditioners and maintain your mane with the goodness of nature.