Green tea – Magic things that it can provide for your health

Green tea – Magic things that it can provide for your health

Everyone’s gushing about the green tea and calling it the magic potion. So, even I set out to find out what’s so good about this almost-transparent cup of tea that almost everyone is talking about. After having two cups of green tea daily, I admit that it is really awesome and works wonder. Now, wonder about what, you’d ask.

Let’s be honest here, almost everyone who is gushing about the magical tea is gushing for its weight loss benefits. But this is not all to the magic cup of tea. There are various benefits of the green tea apart from weight loss.

Why you must have green tea?

Green tea may have become a fad today with everyone promoting the beverage, but the fact is that green tea has been in existence for hundreds and hundreds of years, originating in China and slowly spreading to other parts of Asia. Green tea has been used for medicinal purpose and to treat multiple ailments, from lowering the blood pressure to preventing and curing cancer.

It is a proven fact that green tea has more benefits than the black tea for the sole reason of processing of both the teas. Where black tea undergoes the fermentation process, green tea is devoid of any fermentation. Due to the absence of fermentation process, the green tea is able to retain the polyphenols like flavonoids and catechins and antioxidants that provide green tea its many benefits.

So, have a cup of green tea twice a day and reap the health rewards of its many benefits. Here, we have listed a few of the benefits that the medical science has proven, of green tea.

  1. Aids weight loss

The antioxidants present in the green teas helps in increasing metabolism. The polyphenol present in the green tea helps in increasing the fat oxidation in the body and also the rate at which the body turns the food fat into calories. It works better in reducing the fat around the abdominal area.  Visit daddynutrition to know more about weight loss.

  1. Reduces the risk of Esophageal and other cancer

Studies have proven that green tea kills the germs of cancer like prostate, breasts and colorectal cancer due to the presence of powerful antioxidants and also reduces the risk of esophageal cancer without actually damaging the tissues that surround the affected organ of the body.

  1. Controls diabetes

Green tea helps in controlling the insulin levels in the body and people with diabetes are advised to have a cup of green tea after every meal as it helps in regulating the glucose thereby reducing the blood sugars. Green tea works to reduce the insulin spikes and the resulting fat storage in the body.

  1. Gives you healthy and beautiful teeth

Green tea kills the bacteria and germs that lodge themselves on the gums and teeth and gives you a healthy set of dental. The catechins present in the green tea are known to reduce and prevent infections and other dental problems.

  1. Reduces risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Studies have proven that green tea delays the deterioration that is caused by the Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Studies conducted on mice in the University of Missouri have shown that green tea protects the brain cells from dying and also, restores the damaged brain cells. Green tea not only protects your brain cells from deteriorating but also protects the brain in the old age.

  1. Makes you smarter

Green tea improves your brain function and the caffeine present in it makes you smarter. Since it doesn’t contain as much caffeine as coffee it doesn’t have the ‘jittery’ tendency that too much coffee consumption can cause.

  1. Reduces signs of aging

Green tea tested and applied topically on the skin has shown results in reducing wrinkles and aging in both humans and animals. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties present in the green tea make it a wonderful skin care product.

  1. Fights depression

The green tea leaves naturally contain Theanine, the amino acid substance which relaxes and tranquilizes a person and calms the minds of the tea drinkers.

Apart from these benefits, green tea is also known to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, helps asthma patients, and at the same time is cheap and easily available.

Green tea is beneficial but knowing how many cups to drink each day is more important since too less a quantity may not have the desired result and too many cups might just keep you in the bathroom. Also, green tea slows down the iron and folic acid absorption. Thus, it is advisable to have the beverage in between meals rather than accompanying the meals.

Also, bear in mind that green tea does contain caffeine. So, if you are caffeine sensitive too much tea consumption can have an adverse effect on your health.

The bottom line is that a cup of green tea is a cup of health and it is indeed a magic potion.