How to Change Up Your Wardrobe After You Get Your Breasts Lifted

How to Change Up Your Wardrobe After You Get Your Breasts Lifted

Time is harsh on our bodies, and the years can reveal your age in the form of sagging and wrinkles. Many women have droopy breasts that they are unhappy with and instead of embracing their womanhood, they try to make their breasts sexier and appealing by using products that provide a temporary fix such as a push-up bra or silicone molds that shift around in the bra and are a real pain to apply day after day. Breast augmentation is a long-term solution to get perky and sexy breasts and is a very common and safe procedure that women get every single day.

Drink Enough Water

It’s also very important to get enough water. Water can do wonders for the skin, making it more supple and elastic. It also helps to keep wrinkles at bay and to give your skin a more youthful and healthy glow. It will also help to speed up the healing process after you have a breast lift. Drinking enough water also offers many other health benefits, such as giving you more energy.

Getting a breast lift can be life-changing and a real confidence-builder but it also means that you will most likely need to go shopping for some new clothes. The trick to buying a new wardrobe after having work done is not to be too hasty. You need to give your body ample time to adjust to its new shape.

When to Shop for a New Wardrobe

Everyone is different, and it may take our body more or less time to recover after surgery but once the swelling has gone down and you are pretty certain your body has adjusted you can begin to shop for some new clothes that accent your new shape. It typically takes about a month for augmented breasts to settle into their new shape. You don’t want to go shopping too early only to have to replace your new clothing with an entirely new wardrobe in just a few weeks.

After your body is recovering your breast may feel tender and sore, so you aren’t going to want to wear tight-fitting clothing that will apply pressure or chaff your breasts in any way. You should choose a soft bra and wear shirts that are more loose-fitting until the swelling and tenderness go away. You will also want to wear shirts that have zip-front tops so that you don’t have to raise your arms which can be uncomfortable for the first few weeks post-surgery.

When shopping for a bra, or sports bra you will want to make sure that it will properly support your breasts. It also shouldn’t have an underwire if your body is still in the adjusting phase. No matter what bra you choose, it should be comfortable and supportive.

When deciding what you need to update your wardrobe, it can be helpful to try everything on after you have had your breasts improved. That way, you can see how everything fits and how it looks on your new shape. You may even find that everything still fits pretty well and you only need to update a couple of things in your closet.

You will likely need to change your bra size and you also want to shop for a new swimsuit or two to accentuate your new breast size. Everything that you wear should not only be comfortable, but it should also make you feel confident and sexy as well.

Keep in mind that your breasts will be heavier if you have gone up in a bra size so your breasts will need more support. If you have gotten a reduction, you will need less support and your breasts will be perkier so you can get away with less support than you may be used to. However, you will need more support right after you have had your breasts augmented, and while they are still healing into their new shape and size.

Once your shape is going to stay the same, you can always go to a specialty boutique where they offer free sizing so that you can get the perfect-fitting bra for your new breast size. Once you find the right-fitting bra, you will want to shop for some great-fitting and flattening tops. Think V-necks and cowl-necks since they won’t squeeze your bust. They will also offer a little more support than say a strapless dress.

Take Care of Your Skin

As with the rest of your body, you will need to take care of your breasts. When you are in the sun, you should make sure that you apply sunscreen to them to help protect them from premature aging and damage from the sun. Make sure that the sunscreen you use offers at least SPF 30 so that it is strong enough to protect your delicate skin from the sun’s harsh rays. If you are wearing a top or dress that exposes your chest, you should always apply sunscreen even if it is a cloudy day. You want your breasts to look great for many years as come as well as youthful and wrinkle-free.

If you have taken the time to get your breasts improved, you want to make them look as good as possible even if you are just around the house or running errands. You have earned your beautiful breasts and you want the clothes that you are going to wear to make them look as good as possible so you can feel as good as you look.

William A. Ross, a breast surgeon from Naples, FL, believes that every patient should be treated as if they were his family. He always provides the best care that he can and he wants his patients to be happy. He also wants his patients to feel like they made a good choice when they chose him to be their doctor for their breast lift procedure.