Warts are one of those things that, although common in adults and kids, can cause a fair amount of embarrassment and even discomfort depending on where they are located. These small growths have a rough texture to them and can pop up anywhere on your body. They tend to look like a small blister but can grow in size. Doctors know that they are caused by a virus that is part of the human papillomavirus (HPV) group, and that they can appear at any time and then go away on their own with no rhyme or reason to it.
Rather than wait and hope that the wart goes away on its own, there are some treatment methods that you can use that can help banish them. Here’s a look at five effective at home remedies that could be worth giving a try.
Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the most common at-home wart remedies you’ll come across is apple cider vinegar. This vinegar is readily available, in fact you may have some in your cupboard right now. The way it works is that the vinegar starts to attack the flesh of the wart thanks to its acidic makeup. Over time the wart will diminish and hopefully go away all together.
Simply take a cotton ball and soak it in apple cider vinegar, squeeze out the extra liquid, and then place it over the wart. You can then use surgical tape to keep it in place. Ideally you will want to leave it on overnight as long as it doesn’t hurt. The process should take one to two weeks.
According to Healthrow.Net, honey can be another home remedy for warts that is extremely effective. For this method you will need to apply a thick layer of honey directly on the wart and then wrap the area with a bandage, making sure to cover it well. The bandage should be left in place for 24 hours and then removed. This process can be repeated until the wart disappears. Honey’s natural antiviral and antibacterial properties are what make this an effective treatment.
Vitamin C
You can also try making your own vitamin C paste that can be applied to your wart. To make a paste, take a vitamin C chewable tablet and put it in water or lemon juice to create a paste. Use just a small amount of liquid. Once the paste is ready, you can paint it on the wart and then cover it with a bandage. Just like with the other methods, this can be done on a daily basis until the wart is gone.
Many Other Home Remedies
This is just a very small look at the many home remedies that exist for clearing up warts. Other items that have shown to be beneficial include banana peels, basil, milkweed, garlic, and pineapple juice. So rather than feel embarrassed or in discomfort due to your wart, you may want to give one of these home remedies a try.