Orthopedic Surgery Recovery: What to Do and What Not to Do

The most important thing to do during orthopedic surgery recovery is to follow the doctor’s instructions. Doing too much too soon or disregarding your doctor’s recommendations could lead to complications that will ruin your healing process. For example, driving after surgery is generally not a good idea because anesthesia and pain medications impair your judgment and motor skills.

Don’t Drive

It’s crucial to have help at home after surgery. Make plans with a friend or relative to drive you around. Bending to pick things up or doing chores can aggravate an injury or even reopen wounds. Generally, it is best to stay out of a vehicle after any orthopedic surgery until you are pain-free and have been cleared by your doctor to do so. To assist you in recovering quickly and securely, your orthopedic surgeon will collaborate with a group of medical specialists, including physical and occupational therapists. Attend all follow-up appointments to allow for the evaluation of your progress and prompt treatment of any medical problems. It will also ensure that any sutures or surgical staples are correctly removed, and your wound can be checked for complications.

Don’t Wear Jewelry

Whether it’s earrings or a piercing, leave jewelry at home on the day of surgery. These accessories are difficult to remove and can cause a painful injury. Moreover, they can hinder your recovery by limiting the movement of the operated body part. In addition, certain herbal medications can interfere with clotting and the anesthesia used during your procedure. Therefore, avoiding herbal supplements at least two weeks before your surgery is best. Although these suggestions may seem inconvenient or unnecessary, they are recommended by medical professionals and will significantly improve your orthopedic recovery Modesto CA. By following the do’s and don’ts above, you will feel better and can return to your normal lifestyle faster.

Don’t Overdo It

Understandably, patients may get impatient with the surgery recovery process. After all, they’re putting much physical and emotional effort into recovering. But, pushing through a surgical recovery timeline without consulting with the orthopedic team can have serious consequences. It is especially true regarding ignoring follow-up appointments, skipping physical therapy, or refusing pain medication. These can all impede your progress and lengthen your time recovering from surgery. It’s also essential to ask for help with activities that could agitate your healing wounds, such as heavy lifting or grocery shopping. And remember to stock up on pillows! For sleeping, ensure you have good pillows, and think about getting a body cushion between your knees. You’ll also need plenty of regular-sized pillows to stay comfortable during recovery. In addition, stock up on foods high in fiber, Omega 3 fatty acids (like from cold water fish), and vegetables.

Don’t Oversleep

Even if you usually sleep well, the pain and discomfort from orthopedic surgery can disrupt your regular sleeping pattern. Follow the suggested medication schedule and icing and elevate the surgical site. Remembering that anesthesia can impair judgment and motor skills is also essential. Unless you have outpatient surgery, you will likely need help at home for several days or weeks after discharge. Your doctor’s suggestions and a skilled nursing care team may seem inconvenient or unnecessarily restrictive. Still, they are there to protect your health and improve your recovery. Disregarding these tips can risk slower rehabilitation and more painful side effects. Luckily, with some planning and help from the right team, your orthopedic surgery recovery can be smooth and pain-free.