All you need to know about Qlu Health’s recent launch in the UK

All you need to know about Qlu Health's recent launch in the UK

The founder of Smart Cells International LTD, Mr. Shamshad Ahmed, recently launched the UK’s first private stem cell banking company. The name of this company is Qlu Health and it works with many leading researchers and laboratories across the globe. They cumulatively contribute to genetic testing health reports and discover more possibilities every day.

Qlu Health primarily aims to offer better genetic testing than what prevails right now. The existing condition in terms of genetic testing is quite a concern to people. Many tests don’t have genetic utility and record poor client data policies. There are brokering or selling of samples and data with incomplete testing. Many places don’t follow up after such tests too.

Qlu Health offers an easy and confidential way of genetic testing. There is a high quality in the level of clinical utility. They implement proper scientific methods and continue to give clinical support. They also guarantee that client data will never be exposed or sold.

Qlu Health also offers affordable services that start with £250 for a personalized report. These are easily understandable results and give you a unique experience. Their tests are done by their skilled clinical staff that keeps in touch with you after the test is done. They offer health plans, follow up on improvement, and so on. Qlu Health is currently offering different types of genetic health testing options. Areas like nutrition, gut health, cancer and cardiac issues are all handled by them.

How can Qlu Health help you?

As per WHO, 80% of people can prevent heart diseases, diabetes, and stroke by changing their lifestyles. Only 5-10% of cancer is hereditary and 42% of cancer in the UK is preventable. Fitness and nutrition testing makes a huge impact. NutriQlu by Qlu Health testing gives you an insight into your fitness level and help you lose weight 5.3% more than others do.

Genetic analysis by Qlu Health reports about metabolism, weight management, food intolerance, body composition, and so on. They analyze 32 markers related to types of cancer. 6 out of 9 of these risk factors relates to cardio health, while gut microbiota relates to conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, and so on.

Why you need genetic testing?

Genetic testing is one of the effective ways of diagnosing diseases and allergies. It gives you an insight if you have higher risks as well. It provides an incentive to make lives healthier with better lifestyle choices. You know what you should eat, how much to exercise, why to take out time for relaxation, and so on. You also know if there are chances of disease that you can prevent before it hits you.

Some women discover that they have BRCA1 or BRCA2 cancer gene mutation. They can choose a surgery to get their breasts or ovaries removes, and that reduces the risk of cancer. Some diseases respond better to specific treatments. For example, if you have cancer due to a genetic link or the risk to have cancer, you can prevent it by an effective treatment if you know the reason behind it.

Types of tests done by Qlu Health

  1. NutriQlu

If you want to understand the level of nutrition your body gets and how to improve, try NutriQlu. It is a test that detects your nutrition intake and helps the doctor give you better suggestions. You know about the overall health, body composition, ways to perform better, and so on. The reports you’d get include diet, nutrient deficiencies, and exercises that can help you the most.

2. GutQlu

Unlike genetic tests, GutQlu helps you monitor your digestive tract. It uses a stool swab test to get the right reports. The doctors will be able to impact on your lifestyle and the changes you need to make for a healthier digestive system.  You get the idea suggestions that can prevent conditions that range from constipation to diabetes.

3. CancerQlu

People who detect cancer at the first stage have more chances of survival. It also reduces the cost of expenses that go higher in other stages. CancerQlu helps identify cancer at a treatable stage and not when it is critical. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the UK and the risks are critical. When you know that there are mutation possibilities, it helps doctors create personalized screening plans. It increases chances of quick detection of cancer and quicker treatment.

4. CardiacQlu

The test for CardiacQlu can be designed for anybody. It offers personalized information on several health-related issues. It gives you a sheer chance to improve the condition and avoid preventable problems. Many times, people opt for NutriQlu and CardiacQlu together to understand the condition of their health and lifestyle in an overall.

Qlu Health is one of the effective healthcare places to turn to in the UK right now. They can help you prevent and cure diseases before matters worsen or get deadly.