4 Foods You Eat That Might Be Ruining Your Sex Life

4 Foods You Eat That Might Be Ruining Your Sex Life

Every man knows that there are some special foods that can boost their libido and increase virility. However, only a few remember that some foods have an opposite effect. In fact, eating some of the things listed below might be the reason for many common problems with your sex life.

4 Foods NOT to Eat for a Healthy Sex Life

1.      Alcohol

Any man who likes to indulge in drinking on occasion should have noticed that sometimes, the sexy escapades don’t really work out on days like this. The reason is that alcohol literally makes it more difficult for your body to reach orgasm. The more you drink, the more difficult it gets.

Moreover, a study from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has identified a connection between chronic drinking and male infertility. Consuming alcohol regularly, especially when one is young, damages cells in the testicles and might cause untreatable infertility.

2.      Sugar

A diet filled with sugary treats is not only bad for your waistline. Although, that is also a concern as being overweight or obese affects your cardiovascular health and therefore boosts the risk of erectile dysfunction.

However, sugar also might be the cause of a drop in testosterone levels. A study published in Clinical Endocrinology proved that the testosterone levels drop by 25% after consuming 75 grams of sugar. The effect lasts for about two hours, after which also comes a sugar crash. That process lowers your alertness levels and makes having sex nearly impossible.

Just so you know, a regular 0.33 can of Coke has about 35 grams of sugar. So, having a couple with dessert after dinner might be exactly why your sex life isn’t going as well as you’d like. Be sure to keep this in mind when you are looking for natural libido enhancers. To make them truly effective, you’ll need to eliminate the ‘bad sex’ foods from your diet. Then, load it up with oysters, tomatoes, and other male enhancement foods. To have a truly stellar result regardless of your age you might add a natural supplement to the cocktail like Erexa-tropin. The supplement has a similar but more potent effect on your vessels, thus it helps speed up the blood flow when and where you need it most. This particular product also contains maca powder, which is a natural aphrodisiac and enhances sexual desire as well as function.

3.      Steak

Unless you are having one steak made of 100% pure lean meat from a grass-fed cow, you better avoid that dish. There’s a lot of wrong with a regular steak that can get in the way of your sex life. The most dangerous thing of all is hormones. Unfortunately, today quite a few red meats contaminated by a variety of hormones fed to animals in order to enhance their growth.

Steak is also full of unhealthy fats, which means it’s bad for your blood vessels. And if your blood doesn’t circulate perfectly, you know what happens when you need it most. Overall, any fat food is no good, especially in excess.

There’s also a study that found a direct relationship between eating red meat and having bad body odor. So, indulging in steak might prevent you from even getting to the bedroom.

4.      Diet soda

If you think you can cheat on the sugar rule with sugar substitutes, think again. These products, especially aspartame, the most popular of them, cause a drop in the serotonin levels. This means that sweet foods with sugar substitutes literally make you less happy.

One of the side effects of this hormonal change is a lower libido. Note that the effect is the same for both men and women. Feel free to mention this to your girlfriend if she suggests using a diet soda in your couple’s weight loss plan.