Best Tips to Relieve and Avoid Pain

Best Tips to Relieve and Avoid Pain

We have all dealt with pain in our body at some point in time. Whether it is the occasional headache or the chronic back pain in the lower back area, living with soreness and aching body parts is nothing that anyone ever looks forward to. However, there is hope for those who suffer with pain.

In order to live with pain that re-occurs or just happens once in a while, one must know the techniques and tricks to help both relieve the pain and also avoid it altogether. Utilizing these tips can help those who suffer with even some of the worst pains live with it and go on with their lives. Here are the tips to avoid pain and relieve it as well:

1. Learn to breathe deeply and relax

If you want get your body into a relaxed state, learning how to breathe deeply and even spending time meditating can help make that possibility a reality. Try this: breathe in deeply for five seconds, hold for one second, and then exhale for another five seconds. This slow breathing technique can be practiced for a minimum of three minutes at a time to both get the heart and lungs in sync and also help to slow you down and get you relaxed. This relaxation will ultimately ease the tension and relieve pain in the muscles.

Best Tips to Relieve and Avoid Pain

2. Try Capsaicin creme on muscles

If your back is sore to the point where you can no longer sit comfortably, try some type of cream to both numb and get rid of the tender pain. Capsaicin creme is designed to get to the nerve endings and numb them out. This in turn allows the body to get used to the pain because the nerve endings are deactivated and unable to focus on the soreness that you would normally feel. Just be careful: using too much Capsaicin to begin with and also getting it on your hands and rubbing your eyes will cause some series discomfort in another manner!

3. Get plenty of exercise

Although exercising at first may seem almost counterproductive because it could re-injure the sore and aching body part, it can actually help in a light capacity. Think of it this way, lighter exercise can get the blood flowing and bring nutrients through the bloodstream to prevent healing. This can at the same time release the endorphins needed to make you feel great, happy, and temporarily distract you from the pain. Exercise is key in moderation and in the event of pain easing. Use it to recover from injury, distract you from the pain, and help provide healing and wellness to the affected areas.


Those are my best tips to help both relieve pain in certain areas and also to prevent it in general. Although some amount of pain is inevitable at some point in time, it is never a bad idea to learn how to alleviate it at all costs and reduce it when it becomes a necessary portion of life.

Have some times and techniques of your own to share in regard to getting rid of pain? Have some series back pain that you would like to discuss here? Leave us a comment and let’s begin the dialogue on relieving pain!