3 Signs of the Flu and What to do About it

3 Signs of the Flu and What to do About it

So you woke up this morning and something in you just did not feel right. It can be frustrating to have a nice long streak of good health and then wake up one day not feeling so well. In fact, the healthiest of us can even get sick even when we choose the right habits.

We choose to eat right, to sleep right, the exercise properly, and to stay away from germs and always wash our hands. Even with those principles in place, it can still be possible to catch a case of the flu. If you are coming down with some symptoms and do not know what to do about it, here are a few signs that you have the flu and here is what to do about it.

1. You have the chills and feel very cold

This can be a great indicator of coming down with a flu. In fact, sometimes getting the chills can be very uncomfortable and make us want to curl up in a ball of six or seven of our heaviest down comforters. When you have the chills, the first inclination may be to bundle up as much as possible. While this may feel the best, it is not always the best to break the fever. Do not bundle up too much as your temperature may rise. Instead, stay cooler with less articles of clothing to try to get the temperature to stay at an even pace. Also, keep track of your temperature with a nice thermometer. Dual-mode thermometers are perfect for a household of varying ages and can keep you on the right pace to break the fever.

2. You have an achy body

When the flu is present, along with the chills, the aches and pain can be prevalent in the body as well. In fact, the aches from the flu may make you want to just lie down and wait for them to pass. While it is inevitable that sleeping more will help the symptoms to pass, you will also want to get a bit of moderate to light exercise. A nice short and brisk walk will help the body to circulate nutrients and may promote healing. Just be careful not to overdo it with exercise as too much of a good thing may lead to a longer time in bed with even worse aches and pains.

3. You have a sore throat

If your throat is sore and you are coughing non-step, you may have the signs of a fever coming up. It may be tempting to live off of cough drops and just stay in bed. But the reality is that many cough drops contain added sugars: and added sugars are NOT going to help your immune system get through this time. Instead, drink lots and lots of water. Do not drink sodas as they also contain sugar; but drink plenty of water to make sure your body gets the fluids to both stave off dehydration (can be worse from diarrhea) and also help your throat clear up over time to make it less sore and make the coughs go away.


Hopefully this article can show you some signs that you may be coming down with the flu. Even better, hopefully it can help you out when you don’t know what to do about making it go away. Unfortunately, nothing will strictly cure the flu; however, you can help to heal it by practicing the above smart techniques to make it go away quicker.

If you have some additional tips to make the flu go away as well as symptoms to add and advice to give, leave your comments below and the conversation will begin.