What Does Your Cervical Mucus Indicate?

Cervical Mucus

Every woman having a uterus goes through certain changes. They can be hormonal or physical. Certain changes are bound to happen with the increasing age of the girl. Puberty hits harder. The body of the woman begins to tell her at which stage she is heading. It is just a matter of identifying these signals. The most important cycle that comes after puberty hits is the menstrual cycle. Know how this cycle of Cervical Mucus works and know the different mucosal discharges that happen as an effect of this cycle.  

How Is Menstrual Cycle Regulated? 

The menstrual cycle is a very important part of the woman’s body. This cycle is regulated by hormones and resides under the uterus of a woman. There are two hormones, progesterone and estrogen that regulate the mechanism of the menstrual cycle. There are other two hormones also secreted by the pituitary gland that participates in the menstrual cycle. These two hormones are FSH (follicular stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing Hormone). 

discharge before period vs early pregnancy

In the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle, the FSH and the levels of estrogen are comparatively higher than the other two hormones. These two hormones help the follicle to mature and ovulate around the 15th day of the cycle. The endometrium lining starts to get thicker as soon as the day of ovulation arises. This is because the uterus prepares itself for the implantation of the egg. If there is no fertilization in the next ten days which is called the fertilization period, the thickened layer of the endometrium starts to fall off and comes out through the vaginal opening with blood. This is what you call menses or periods. In the later phase, the levels of LH and progesterone are high. 

What Is The Importance Of the Menstrual Cycle and Cervical Mucus ? 

The menstrual cycle is the sequence of several phases starting with the proliferative phase, maturation phase, ovulation period, fertilization phase and then menstruation. With the help of these particular menses, there is a release of one egg from the ovaries so that the egg gets fertilized with the sperm and forms a zygote. As there is a thickening of the endometrium layer in the fertilization period, it is easy for the zygote to get attached to the inner layer. This gives protection and a cushioned environment for the zygote to grow.

If there was no such cycle, the eggs wouldn’t be released every month and the chances of getting pregnant would become zero. This is the reason why menstruation is important for reproduction in women. 

So when we were talking about fertilization, have you ever thought about what makes sperm get inside the universe of the female reproductive system? It is the sex drive and the mucous that helps the sperm to reach the egg or ovules present in the fallopian tubes. There is a certain type of mucus discharge before the periods also if no fertilization takes place.

Get to know the discharge before period vs early pregnancy vs Cervical Mucus .

discharge before period vs early pregnancy

Discharge Before Period vs Early Pregnancy

As told before there are certain kinds of mucus discharge that you might get to see discharge before period vs early pregnancy. Know the difference between both one by one.

Discharge Before Periods – Cervical Mucus 

When the cycle of 28 days starts to begin, the inner layer of the uterus also starts to get thicker for the implementation of the fertiliser egg. This thickened layer, the endometrium, increases the discharge of the mucus. It is a complex cycle of the mucus release as follows: 

In the first 6 days of the menstrual cycle, there is a dry and sticky kind of mucus discharge which is pale white. The discharge of the mucus is less and can produce a bad odour also. 

Then comes the second week of the menses. Here the mucus release is creamy and is completely nonstick. The release of the mucus can make you feel irritated and unhygienic.

In the third week of the Central cycle, there is a wet and clear discharge of mucus. This can trouble you as if the discharge gets increased, it can get you under your panties and you might have to change them again and again. 

discharge before period vs early pregnancy
Image Credit: Pinterest

After the third week, if the fertilization does not occur, there will be blood flow which will break the inner lining of the uterus causing cramps and hormonal changes leading to mood swings. What happens if the period does not occur? Learn the answer below.

Discharge At Early Pregnancy 

If there are no periods after the ovulation occurs, there is a mucous discharge which is like a white egg yolk. It is streak forming mucus discharge that has a very foul smell. In some women, it is in excess and can not be prevented. If you are thinking of getting pregnant, this kind of mucus is a signal to you. Have sex in this phase as the chances of you becoming a mother is pretty high here. 

This kind of discharge is responsible for the increased mobility of the sperm and protects the sperm in the alien world of the female reproductive system.

Now once you get pregnant, the release of the mucus discharge still does not leave you. It is carried along. The mucus discharge after pregnancy is sticky, white and pale yellow. The quantity of this mucus is high in the first trimester of the pregnancy and decreases slowly in the next two trimesters but is continuous. 

There is a reason behind everything. The reason behind these cervical discharges during pregnancy is to protect the mother and the child from any sort of infection as the cervical lining is soft.

These are some of the points that summarise about discharge before period vs early pregnancy

Summing Up

Now since you know different mucus discharge before period vs early pregnancy, it should be easier for you to decide which road you must take. If your mucus is nothing like the one described above and has a touch of different colours or odours, get yourself diagnosed immediately as it can be a sign of some underlying disease that you must know about.