The Crazy Ride of Life of ADHD

The Crazy Ride of Life of ADHD

ADHD stands for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the patient, starting from childhood and lasts into adulthood.

Children with ADHD have difficulty in paying attention and have no control over their impulsive behaviors along with moving too excessively. This inability to control their behavior eventually affects their lives, causing depression and stress.

Cause of ADHD

There can be many reasons as to why children suffer from ADHD.


Researches being carried out show that ADHD can be caused;

  • Due to brain injury
  • Use of Alcohol during pregnancy
  • Premature delivery
  • Low weight at birth
  • Use of tobacco during pregnancy

Apart from the above-mentioned causes, ADHD can occur due to many other problems such as watching too much television and consuming an excessive amount of sugar. There are no definitive causes of ADHD as it can also develop as a result of experiencing stress or going through strong emotions.

Signs and Symptoms of ADHD

Below the age of four, it is hard to distinguish ADHD symptoms from inattentiveness and impulsivity.

In order for a doctor to diagnose ADHD,

children must have more than five symptoms which are closely linked with the neurodevelopmental disorder.

The three main indicators of ADHD are;

  • Inattentiveness
  • Hyperactive
  • Impulsive Behavior

The symptoms are further categorized in different types, associated with the signs.


Some of the symptoms that are associated with inattentiveness are;

  • Failing to pay attention to minor details, as a result making careless mistakes  
  • Ignoring the instructions given to them
  • Not being able to cope with tasks that require mental effort
  • Forgetting daily tasks frequently

Impulsive Behavior

Another sign of ADHD is the inability to self-control, symptoms are;

  • Difficultly in being seated
  • Excessive talking along with blurting out answers
  • Restlessness in adults
  • Intruding upon others
  • Not being able to take part in activities quietly
  • Struggling to wait for the turn

The symptoms of ADHD may reduce while the patient goes into adulthood while some of the signs might be retained by the grown-up.

Life With ADHD

People with ADHD can be successful but only if it is diagnosed timely.

Children who suffer from ADHD find it hard to function independently. They may experience delays while speaking or having a conversation with anyone. ADHD slows down the motor skills of children, hence their performance level decreases making it hard for them to focus. Their lack of control on their emotion reduces their frustration tolerance level and they end up having mood swings.

If not diagnosed on time,

People with ADHD can go through serious trauma in life as they face academic failure, job failure and can even have problem while driving.

Failing to achieve all that other people can, creates a sense of negativity, that could lead the people with ADHD towards substance abuse. Girls with ADHD are prone to eating disorders.

ADHD patients in their teenage, face a special kind of challenge. As this phase of their lives requires increase in their academic and social life, they have a hard time in doing so.

Dealing with peer pressure at such an age along with the urge of establishing themselves, makes teenage a very tough phase of life for them.

As the patient starts to grow up, ADHD’s affects become less evident. 75 percent of children experience symptoms of ADHD in their adulthood. The life of an adult with ADHD is nothing far from a pond of difficulties and hurdles.

Some of the most common problems faced by adults with ADHD is depression, conduct disorder and substance abuse. The challenging environment that adults with ADHD live in, creates difficulty for them to cope with work life as well as social life.

In some cases,

It becomes the root cause of depression.

Here’s how the brain’s functionality is affected by ADHD

ADHD causes trouble for individuals to maintain attention which in turn reduces their working memory. The loss of ability to organize, makes them less efficient. ADHD creates difficulty in maintaining the executive function.

Executive function, is the brain’s capability to organize the thoughts in terms of prioritizing and managing them into actions.

With the help of executive function, a normal person makes long-term plans and manages the consequences whereas an individual with ADHD faces a loss of executive functions.

As a result, it becomes hard for that particular individual to set long-term goals and has higher chances of becoming incompetent.


Treatment for ADHD is close monitoring of behavior and tackling ADHD according to the symptoms.

Behavior therapy is considered as the first choice of therapy along with medication. To reduce the effects of depression, increase brain’s functionality and reduce impulsive behavior, doctors recommend Adderall. You can buy Adderall online and control the effects of ADHD.

If you want to know more about ADHD, or if you’re looking to buy Adderall online, visit Health2delivery.