How To Deal With Seasonal Allergies

How To Deal With Seasonal Allergies

Allergies make people miserable no matter what the causes that trigger them are. Some are allergic to dust and pillow puff, while others are allergic to pollen and know exactly what hay fever feels like. In any case, seasonal allergies affect millions of people all over the world each year. Moreover, due to climate change, the number of sufferers is constantly rising. They ruin important events, and they make people feel miserable for a few days or even weeks. The most common symptoms are a runny nose, itchy eyes, and congestion which takes a toll on people’s life. They are usually triggered by the immune system that responds to pollen produced by plants.

Everyone who suffers from seasonal allergies knows that it is impossible to get through this difficult season without medicine. As it is impossible to avoid pollen and flowers or fresh cut grass, it is necessary to learn how to minimize the symptoms and make the whole experience a bit more acceptable. Luckily, there are many useful methods of doing that. These tips are relevant for people of all ages as hay fever can strike anybody, regardless of their age. Therefore, this is good knowledge to have whether you are a sufferer or want to help someone in need.

Know Your Allergy Triggers

In order to be able to find the most suitable treatment method for you, it is fundamental to learn what triggers your allergy. The causes vary from region to region, but the most important causes are plants that produce pollen and molds. Thus, you can simply establish the causes of your allergy by analyzing the environment surrounding you. According to science, you can predict how bad an allergy season will be. As it was described before, pollen is a major allergy trigger. Pollen and mold can increase with moisture. Thus, if there is more rain, then you should expect a worse-than-usual allergy season.

Attempt Self-Hypnosis

Even though many people are skeptical when they hear about this method, it has been proven effective. According to scientists, hypnosis may help relieve the symptoms of allergies, as long as they are combined with other allergy treatments as well. Allergy sufferers need to imagine that they are in a safe place, with no allergens around. They could do that by imagining that they are either on a snowy mountain or at the beach. According to the same research, it has been reported that those who understand hypnosis are able to reduce about a third of their congestion.

Herbs and Supplements

The multitude of amazing herbs that are found in nature can block histamine’s effect before they even have time to progress. People who are prone to allergies are advised to consume tea, onions, pineapple, kiwi, and tuna. However, they should steer clear of alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, artificial sweeteners, sunflower seeds and wheat. Furthermore, they can also take a 500 mg supplement of quercetin up to two twice a day, before the allergy season starts. Doctors advise patients to take it with vitamin C because it works best in this case. Butterbur is just as effective, and it can block the production of leukotrienes (a family of inflammatory mediators).

Modify the Indoor Environment

Once you know exactly what you are allergic to, you can take better care are minimize your triggers. A good way of reducing the negative symptoms of allergies would be by making changes in your living space. If you are allergic to pollens, you need to replace air filters. This helps trap out pollen, and it gives you the chance of breathing fresh air. If you are allergic to mildew, then you need to renovate your home as often as possible. By painting the walls once a year you can reduce considerably your seasonal struggle. However, when it comes to allergies, it is important to remember that unwanted pests and insects that enter people’s homes spread all kinds of bad illnesses and allergies around. Protect both you and your kids by getting in touch with a pest control team.

Nasal Saline Flushing

Although this is a commonsense solution, it is worth sharing. There are many allergens in your nasal passages that make you feel ill. By eliminating them, you can solve the problem, or at least attempt to ease the symptoms. To flush your nose, you just need to make a saline solution. Purchasing a nasal saline rinse from the shop is just as good.

At the same time, it would be a good idea to wash your hair at the end of the day so that you can eliminate pollens that are trapped in there.

Essential Oils

Allergy sufferers know what it feels like walking around in a fog. If you are looking for fast and natural relief, then essential oils are the solution for you. They are incredibly effective at reducing these horrid symptoms. Essential oils can reduce pain, inflammation and boost your immune system, making your body a lot stronger when dealing with allergen triggers. The most common types of essential oils recommended are menthol, eucalyptus or lavender. A homemade vapor rub is excellent to eliminate excess congestion and mucus. You can find aromatherapy diffusers kits in stores or make them at home.


This practice that is popular in the Chinese Medicine has become a lot more popular over the years. It has incredible results for different problems. It seems that acupuncture has the power of reducing the symptoms associated with allergies with no side effects. Treating seasonal allergies with acupuncture offers a quick response even during the first medical visit. Patients are able to determine whether this practice is working for them or not by counting the number of sneezes per day. Every patient reacts in a different way to allergies. That’s why some need to come back for a booster more often than others. Thanks to the Traditional Chinese Medicine patients are able to eliminate their dependency on allergy medication.

No matter what kind of allergies you are dealing with, you need to keep in mind that there are natural healing methods besides traditional medicine. It is worth trying it because it is accessible and brings incredible results.