How to Decrease Back Pain for the Long Term

How to Decrease Back Pain for the Long Term

Many people suffer from problems with their back, which can bring about the unbearable pain that impacts their quality of everyday life. These issues can happen after someone has been involved in an accident, or due to the way their body has grown over the years. In any case, it is a type of pain that must be stopped before it develops into something worse. If you are worried about how your back pain is affecting your happiness and general health, then it’s worth heading to the doctors so they can tell you what is causing it. Once you have done this, you can go about finding ways to stop your back pain forever.

Attend physiotherapy

After coming back from the doctor’s clinic, the first thing you should do is register for physiotherapy sessions, which will help you get your life back on track. This type of treatment aims to target the cause of your back pain, rather than tackling the pain itself. This means that progress might take longer, but that it is more sustainable in the long run. If you are based in London, in order to ensure you are receiving the best care, it’s a good idea to go to a place such as CRB Clinics Canary Wharf Clinic, which is easy to reach, and well known for the range of treatment it offers for back pain.

Do yoga

It could be that regular exercise is putting too much of a strain on your body and isn’t benefitting your back as much as it is benefitting your figure. This is where an exercise like Yoga or Pilates comes in, which capitalize on slow movements that stretch your body into positions that aim to relieve pain. In fact, there are some specific moves you can do which will target certain problem areas on your back. If there has been any stress associated with your back pain, yoga can also help relive this at the same time, clearing up any physical and emotional problems that have arisen.

Invest in a soft bed

You might be in love with your firm mattress, which offers you the best night’s sleep, but there have been studies to show that those who sleep on a softer memory foam mattress report lower levels of back pain than those with a firm mattress. This due to the cushioning it gives to the painful area on your back, but also can link to sleeping patterns. In fact, if you sleep on your stomach, you should be investing in a firmer mattress, and if you sleep on your side, you should buy one that is in the middle of the spectrum. Following such studies will help you decrease back pain over time.

Don’t carry too much

Your back pain could be down to a number of causes, but in any case, you shouldn’t be carrying too much weight on your shoulders, as this can put extra pressure on your joints. This also goes for trying to lift too much at the gym. If you take it easy, your back will become stronger, and you will have a better chance of handling it.